Sometimes, getting traffic to your website can be fluctuating.
At one point, you can dramatically increase the amount of traffic that you are getting early on in your business, but as time passes and you approach a level with you have a lot of good competitors who knows how to market their business, your traffic count will slow down.
You will still get traffic and your traffic amount will increase, but it will increase at a slower rate as opposed to when you first got started.
But you shouldn't let this deter you.
Simply continue doing the things that got you a lot of traffic in the first place, and slowly but surely your traffic count will continue to rise.
Now there are a few things that you definitely don't want to do if you're looking to get more targeted website traffic for your business.
These things will only waste your time, and just doesn't make sense when it comes to keeping you profitable and in business.
In fact, let's get right into it.
Here's the first thing that you shouldn't do when going about getting more website traffic: 1) Manipulating your website hits When I say "manipulating", I mean doing something that just doesn't make sense when it comes to your internet business.
One good example of this is clicking on your own website repeatedly, trying to get the traffic that will make you look like an expert in your niche.
But in reality, this is just plain old useless.
You never want to gather fake hits to your website.
Why in the world would you do this anyway? When you manipulate your hits, you waste time, and people will still never hear of you.
Long story short, you won't remain in business too long, and you will find yourself with a lot of hits but no sales to compliment it.
Here's something else that you shouldn't do: 2) Buying email lists In truth, you should only stick with generating leads the old fashioned way.
Build a squeeze page, drive people to your squeeze page, and collect leads.
The leads you get this way are much better than if you were to buy an email list.
Buying an email list will get you nowhere, and you will find that a lot of the people on this list will immediately block you or unsubscribe from your emails very quickly.
You should stick with the traditional way to generate leads.
You can get sales with a list of 100 people than with a paid list of 300,000 people.
The 100 people are much better than the list that you bought - and you will earn more money.
If this means that you have to start from ground zero, then so be it.
Don't buy fake lists because they're a waste of your time and money.
Take these 2 tips and consider them carefully before you start marketing your website.
Don't do these bad techniques, and just focus on things that will make you the most money.
Good luck with using these tips to have success in your online business today.
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