Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Positions to Become Pregnant

It is believed that there are positions which will aid to boost conception when used at the time of sexual intercourse and we also have the ones which will deter conception.
Assuming you find it hard to become pregnant, the most beneficial position is the one whereby the lady does not stand or sit.
The kind of positions that is likely to make gravitational force to draw the sperm off from the egg isn't recommended.
The use of alcoholic drink by the two sexes should be reduced to the lowest level.
As for the males, a connection has been drawn between sperms that are slow in movement and the intake of alcohol.
As for the females, the intake of alcohol is likely to cause inadequate egg quality.
There is oil which is believed by most experts to aid in the enhancement of healthy mucus in females which is in turn helps in conception.
The oil is referred to as evening primrose.
It is very necessary to consume it prior to ovulation and rather than afterward.
When you must have given birth, evening primrose is likely to result to contractions which would cause adverse consequences on pregnancy.
Chaste berry is known to elongate female's fertility gap, especially for the ones that have short one.
I recommend you stop taking the herb once you have become pregnant due to the fact that every herbs should be consumed with precaution.
The intake of yams is assumed to be the inducement of high rate of twin maternity in Africa.
Steady intake of yams is linked to high male and female fertility in Africa.
It tastes nice and it is a salubrious substitute for potatoes.
You should try to see the chiropractor at least once in a week for issues connected with difficulty in getting pregnant.
Insufficient flow of blood to the necessary organs may cause infertility.
Do not forget to let your chiropractor know that you find it difficult to conceive.

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