Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

How Pregnancy Tests Work

Pregnancy is the most happiest and glad moment in a women's life. It is not just good news for her alone but also for the whole family. When a woman gets the news that she is pregnant, she dreams about the rest of her life. It brings rapid and drastic changes in her life. However, how does a woman know that she is pregnant? Of course, it is through pregnancy tests. If you are wondering, how pregnancy tests work, read  this article. Genreally this tests is conduct when woman feel any signs of pregnancy or any pregnancy symptoms.

Pregnancy tests are based on a hormone called the human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG). This is a glycoprotein, which is secreted by the placenta soon after the fertilization takes place. Pregnancy can be confirmed only after six days post conception because it takes that much time for the placenta to develop after the egg is implanted in the woman's uterus.

How do these tests work? They bind the HCG to the antibody or indicator, which is taken, either from the blood or from urine. If the HCG is present, then the test is positive. The advantage of this test is that it binds only to HCG and not to any other hormones, thus reducing the chances of false positive or negative results. A pigment molecule is the usual indicator in many cases, but in some cases, radioactive or fluorescent molecules are also used.

What if a woman, gets to know that her test shows false positive results? It will make a permanent imprint on her mind and will traumatize her forever. Yes, this happens, in some cases.

Alcohol, birth control pills and drugs will not affect the test results but they can surely affect the baby. Many times it happens that woman feel pregnancy signs but she is not pregnant.The amount of HCG produced in every woman is not the same. This definitely affects the test results and sometimes, wrong results are shown. Sometimes, it so happens, that HCG is even produced in non-pregnant women, but the amounts are usually low. Sometimes, ‘chemical positives' show positive results, that means that the indicators show the results positive but the pregnancy does not last.

Pregnancy detection kits are available that can be used at home. You can check your pregnancy at home itself. You just need a drop of urine. Read the instructions properly and follow them. Other than the tests, which are available, you yourself will feel some changes in your body that could indicate your pregnant status.

Now that you know how pregnancy tests work, you will surely be able to do them at home.

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