Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Home Remedy for Stretch Marks

When we talk of stretch marks treatment, it's not home remedy, but cosmetic surgery that comes to the mind. This may or may not remove the marks, but certainly burns a hole in your pocket and leaves you with complications. So, before you decide to go under the knife, why not try some home remedies?

However, don't expect a home remedy to completely remove a mark. It helps to lighten it. There are even ways to prevent them from forming altogether. Women fret at the sight of stretch marks. But, this is not a disease. It's a skin condition resulting due to the extra burden put to it during pregnancy period.

Home Tips

  • The best home remedy starts right at the beginning when you feel they will appear on the skin. And how do you know that? Well, your skin gets less elastic.

  • Use moisturizing substances such as cocoa butter, vitamin E, and almond oil on the area prone to stretch marks.

  • Vitamin K and lavender are also found to be effective.

  • Do you know the chief reason for this pregnancy problem? It's uncontrolled increase of weight! So, ladies, check those calories by adhering to a balanced and non-fatty diet, along with an exercise regime.

  • Weight gain is the reason why books, doctors, articles, and people around you advise walking, stretching, and other such physical activities. It ensures you put on only the necessary pounds during pregnancy. This prevents your skin to go through sudden stretches that leaves marks later.

  • Drink gallons of water, if you wish to have a supple skin. When your skin is elastic, it's hard for marks to form.

  • An oil massage everyday keeps stretch marks at bay! Ensure that the oil contains Vitamin E and C. Your burdened skin gets a soothing effect and helps it retain its original suppleness.

  • Your diet is important too in order to avoid pregnancy complications. It should be balanced and consists of food that's friendly to your skin. While choosing your food, keep in mind the symptoms such as nausea during pregnancy. Eat small and frequent meals.

  • Do not ignore your skin during pregnancy. Just as you take care to avoid any pregnancy risk; similarly, you should make efforts to ward off one of the most annoying after pregnancy problems – stretch marks.

    Before you rush to your doctor for a radical intervention or cosmetic surgery, do not forget to try home remedies first. Home remedy for pregnancy complications is more effective and devoid of side effects.

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