Any parent having a kid allergic to peanuts would know how difficult their lives could get along with their children's'. Shopping food items could take hours as every label on the food packet needs to be checked before the purchase is made so that it is ensured that there is no trace of peanuts. Peanut free food needs to be arranged with such children's school in later course of time and also in case of the child's birthday party. Such things could at times become more than just a night mare. Peanut allergies are quite common and sometimes prove as fatal allergies for the child. Few kids are very sensitive to peanuts and can get the same just by coming into contact with some other's skin that has the allergy. Peanut allergies could lead to things like anaphylactic shock which could be a severe allergic reaction proving fatal.
Until the child reaches around the age of two or sometimes three, peanut allergies are not diagnosed. Parents having history of peanut allergies in their family are advised to wait for at least until the time when the child reaches the age of three, before peanuts and items containing peanuts, can be given to them. Pregnant mothers are often advice about not eating peanuts, especially in their third trimester despite the fact of hereditary allergy of peanuts existing or not.
The main reason for any allergy relating to peanuts to develop is by getting into contact with small traces of peanuts. This makes the child to later have severe allergic reactions when peanuts are consumed. Initial sensitizations could occur right from the time of pregnancy. It has been seen that very little amount of peanut protein could cross the placenta. Recent studies have revealed that in case of consuming peanuts or items consuming peanuts during pregnancy could develop the allergy in the child in the later years. This was compared to women who consumed peanuts and those who did not.
It doesn't mean that you need to totally ignore peanuts at all costs, especially when there are no instances of nut allergies in your family. Factually, peanuts and items with peanut factor are quite beneficial to yourself and your baby. Peanuts are sources of proteins and folic acid, which is significant to a growing baby. Peanut butter or standalone peanuts are said to help in getting rid of morning sickness during the first trimester of pregnancy tenure. Every woman should know that, many women who had no instances of peanut related allergies in their families and hence consumed excessive amounts of peanuts and related food stuff, later delivered babies who were prone to peanut allergies.
Before saying a stern no to jelly sandwiches and peanut butter, ensure that you have a word with your doctor. Your doctor would be helpful in creating a well balanced and healthy eating plan for you for your entire tenure. You would have to mention about your family history of peanuts allergies and matters concerning the same. If any woman is uncomfortable eating peanuts, she need not change her mind about the same as event woman for that matter has the rights to make decisions about her child and her body.
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