Some of the most damaging threats that could come upon a home owner are the ones that may not even be noticed at first.
Out of a handful of things that this could apply to, I must say that the threat of suffering from water damage in your home would have to rank at the top of the list of mishaps that can occur.
I would also dare to say that any home owner that has ever experienced water damage in their home would be quick to agree with me.
There are plenty of obvious ways that your home could one day experience an uninvited intrusion of water, but some of the most damaging of the various ways can actually be the ones that you would not think to plan ahead for and are out of site for a period of time when they may occur.
Let's take a look at some of these little known ways for water related issues to invade your home and do their worst so that you can become more aware of these hidden threats in your own home.
It is typical for a home owner that is concerned about preventing water from entering their home to go around the house and inspect for cracks in the foundation, shingles missing from the roof, or even weatherstripping around doors and windows that are in poor condition and in need of repair or replacement.
These are all things that are mentioned quite often by neighbors, friends, and family members that are home owner's themselves and may have even had problems in such areas in the past.
While these are all good words of advice and definitely areas that should be checked into periodically on your home, there are other areas in your home that are just as vulnerable to the threat of water intrusion that will usually go completely unnoticed until it is too late and water has already come in and made it's mark.
One area, actually several areas, that will need attention and that are all combined together by one thing is the pipes that are related to your plumbing.
These pipes will travel throughout many areas of your home and are almost always neatly tucked away and out of site.
While this may be aesthetically appealing to you, it allows for many hidden areas that water can invade without being detected.
Your pipes will run inside walls, underneath floors, and along the ceilings of your home and if a water leak does occur at any time, the result could easily be thousands of dollars in building materials that will need to be replaced and the possible threat of extensive mold damage that can easily develop if the water is not detected soon enough.
The best way to address this possible threat and prevent a disaster from occurring is to monitor the water pressure in your home and occasionally have a plumber come to your home and inspect all of your pipes to ensure that there are no leaks or fittings that are showing excessive wear.
This will require a little bit of financial investment each time the plumber pays you a visit, but it will save you a huge headache and a lot of money in repair costs down the road by avoiding the water damage that could easily come by not performing these routine inspections and catching a problem ahead of time.
Another area of your home that commonly gets overlooked is located on the very top of your house, and that is the items that sit atop the roof of your home.
I am not talking about the roof itself, as it is usually quite obvious when there is a problem there related to damage.
I am actually talking about the pipes and vents that stick out of your roof.
They are always exposed to the outdoor elements and over time, the seals they utilize to keep water from seeping in around their bases can wear out and allow water to slowly drip in.
Because the water will usually drip in slowly at first and drain into your attic, which is a low traffic area, water may be allowed to sit for a period of time and build up.
This will create an opportunity for the development and growth of mold, as well as a ceiling caving in from the weight of the water which will also affect anything the water may come in contact with beneath the ceiling.
Now you will understand the need to routinely make trips to your attic during storms and inspect the ceiling of your attic with a good light for any water drips or dampness.
On a nice sunny day when you have someone to assist you in remaining safe, climb on top of your roof and take a close look at the seals around these items on your roof to be sure there is no cracking or deterioration of these seals.
If there are any signs of wear, go ahead and replace the seals now before water is allowed into your home.
By taking these precautionary measures now, you will be able to save money by not having to replace building materials that have been damaged by water in the future.
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