Health & Medical Anxiety

You Do Not Need Drugs to Get Anxiety Relief

Even though it is a common thought, you do not need medication to get anxiety relief.
Anxiety are created inside your brain and is not real, therefore you can eliminate anxiety by changing the way you think.
When you are suffering from anxiety, the feelings can be overwhelming and sometimes you might think that you will never get to a point where you can live a normal life again.
Let me assure you that if you set your mind to it, everything is possible, even anxiety relief.
To beat anxiety, you must first understand anxiety and its consequences.
What often happens is that you at some point had a panic attack, and since then it feels like your body are full of anxiety.
 Can you recognize this? This is because you are caught up in viscous circle of anxiety and panic attacks.
You are so afraid that you will get another panic attack that you get anxious.
That anxiety builds up and...
Well, you know the rest.
To break this evil circle, you have to feel comfortable that panic attacks are not dangerous.
Sure, anxiety and panic attacks affects your life in a negative way, but it is not a threat to your health.
The next time you feel your anxiety levels rising, I want you to try this little exercise to calm yourself down again: First, keep a steady breathing, then focus on your surroundings and keep yourself grounded.
A good way to do this is to look around and focus on which shape the objects around you haves.
Find all the squares, then the circles, triangles etc.
Next, focus only on colors.
Find all red objects, yellow objects etc.
The exercise above, can give you the same results as anxiety medication and it is much healthier.
Remember, this do not get rid of your anxiety, you still need to find the underlying cause.
If you have the money, you could go to a therapist.

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