Do you suspect someone you are close to is suffering from depression? While different individuals may cope with depression differently, there are some common symptoms you can look out for. When you've determined that they are truly suffering from depression, be patient and help them through it.
You want to be happy in life, but you feel depressed all the time. The absurd world you live in steals all your energy. You live battling for survival among numerous enemies, while facing infinite dangers. You always have to surpass many obstacles. Everything in life is complicated, time consuming,
Modern medicine claims that depression is caused by a chemical imbalance; but, despite all their science and drugs, they are yet to find a way to balance the so-called imbalanced chemicals, or replace them, or stop the imbalance. Anti-depressants are a dangerous way to address a problem that starts
When disaster strikes in one's life, this could be a wake-up call to the new reality that is unfolding.Learn to look within and look for that which brings you Joy.
Depression is an issue that affects millions of individuals around the world. This is a common occurrence that may result due to a number of reasons throughout an individual's life. While depression may be mild, in many instances, it can be quite severe. It results when an individual not only f
There is another interesting consideration. Apparently, there's a rapid rise in depression, which suggests other causes. People are becoming more and more insular in their lifestyles. Always busy, not enough time to help others and consider their problems.
Regular exercise is an excellent way to boost your mood and get in shape. Learn more from WebMD about the benefits of daily exercise on depression and how to get started.
As a counselor, I am often asked, Can drugs be helpful for anxiety and depression?The answer I give is Yes and No. Yes, drugs may be useful for short-term help. No, drugs are not a good long-...
Depression affects many people at different points in their lives.It may be caused by relationship issues, unresolved grief, current life challenges, and/or brain chemistry issues.If symptoms are severe, a pharmaceutical approach may be appropriate, however natural methods are often effective at tre
As if being depressed were not difficult enough, there are a lot more concerns involved. Mental diseases are considered to be crippling in every aspect possible, interfering with daily functioning and personal relationships of all kinds. There are a number of natural treatments available, but it tak
Relationships built via the internet are typically more shallow than face-to-face relationships, and they do not have the support and reciprocity that is vital for psychological security and happiness. The result is a decline in the feeling of being connected with other people, which can trigger moo
Infertility is a very personal issue and one that weighs heavy on those who are experiencing it. Because society seems so focused on birth control, infertility issues can make women feel as though they are alone. A woman who is suffering from depression due to infertility may not be as open about he
Psychotherapy for depression treatment involves a variety of techniques but focuses on talking with a trained professional. Learn more about how this type of therapy works.
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Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) can be an effective treatment for depression, particularly when other treatments have failed, but the memory loss associated with it makes some people afraid.
Depression is an important condition that must be addressed when treating EBV, particularly when the illness is in the chronic stage. Everyone has days when they feel a bit low or sad - especially when battling a debilitating condition like Epstein Barr.