When disaster strikes in one's life, this could be a wake-up call to the new reality that is unfolding.
Learn to look within and look for that which brings you Joy.
Many people like yourself went through Hurricane Katrina and I have great compassion for your parents who lost everything.
What is the message of you losing your own job?How do you change from depression back into living a full and loving life? Change your mind about yourself.
In your question I have heard a lot about what you do not want in your life, and very little about what you DO desire and strive to create.
Do not look for the answers outside of yourself, but look deep into your heart for those moments and experiences that have brought you Joy.
Focus on the Joy and use all your imagination to expand these small experiences.
Stop working for money; choose a job that brings you Joy first: what inspires you and stimulates your creativity; then look around for the opportunity for you to step into that new role.
When you find the Joy in your life, you know you are getting very close to your life's purpose.
Changing your mind, your perspective, feelings and emotions allows new opportunities to open up in your life.
Life has to flow, like water has to flow down a hill.
You cannot stop life; even if you give up everything, life still flows.
Whether it is your breathing or your heartbeat or the changing seasons, life flows on.
When you reconnect to your inner core energies, you are focussed on love and divine grace.
You reconnect to your core and at the same time, you become in tune with the universe around you.
You light up your own inner spirit and become as one with the universal life force of God.
Get out of your mind and into your feelings; feel Joy, feel love and look for what you can share to bring these feelings to those around you.
Smile again, and watch people's faces light up.
You have the power within yourself to change yourself and flow your energies to whatever brings you happiness and Joy.
Relax and love yourself as you are now.
Know that you have created this moment so that you can fully understand the feelings you are experiencing now.
If you are not happy with the feelings and the emotions, change your mind and think of that which brings the feelings you would like to experience.
You are truly blessed: you can create whatever you choose.