Category : Hobbies & Science : Society & Culture & Entertainment

Black Jelly Fungus

Hobbies & Science
The black jelly fungus is an edible mushroom that is often dried and used in Thai and Chinese cuisine. There are several colors of jelly fungi, which look like rubbery chunks of kelp or seaweed. Black jelly fungus is also called clouds ear or wood ear fungus, and its scientific classification is Aur

How to Use an Incubator

Hobbies & Science
When it comes to hatching eggs, you need to know how to use an incubator so that the eggs you are caring for will hatch successfully and produce some healthy little ones to care for until they are old enough to care for themselves. After you have the incubator, you must follow some easy steps so tha

How to Convert AS3 to Java

Hobbies & Science
Converting AS3 (ActionScript 3, the Flash Programming Language) to Java (an object-oriented class programming language) can be done in two ways. One way is to develop a program that converts AS3 code to Java code. The other way, which works well for small AS3 programs, is to convert the code manuall