- 1). Remove the large container on the front of the vacuum where the dirt collects. It usually has a lever on the front that can be slid to the side in order to remove the container.
- 2). Empty the container into your trash and shake it a couple of times to dislodge any dust.
- 3). Twist the bottom of the large container to unhook and remove the smaller container attached to it. This container will have a foam piece attached to a rounded filter. Remove the foam piece and, using your fingers, rub away all the dust that has accumulated there.
- 4). Take the filter that you removed the foam piece from outside and bang it gently against a wall. This will remove all the dust trapped inside.
- 5). Turn the foam piece inside out and place it back onto the filter. Put the filter back in the small container and reattach it to the larger container.
- 6). Reach above where the large container sat and unhook the filter that sits there. Take this filter outside and gently bang it against a wall to dislodge any dust there. Then place it back in the vacuum.
- 7). Once the overhead filter is securely in place, put the large container back into its place. Secure it with the lever.
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