Health & Medical Body building

Muscle Building Guide: Addressing the Most Common Muscle Building Myths! Part1

A moderate but regular exercise programme, as opposed to a prolonged and intense period of exercise, produces more impressive results and takes you faster towards your goal.
Lets discuss the most common myths prevailing among the mass...
Right guidance and proper techniques make the perfect recipe to MUSCLE BUILDING Myth: If you exercise, it doesn't matter what you eat.
Fact: If you exercise, it matters even more what you eat Reducing body fat needs an integrated approach towards correct exercising and nutrition.
If you lose out on any one aspect, you may get results but not 100 percent success.
In order to get maximum results, you must be very careful about your eating pattern, while exercising.
Have a combination of carbohydrates, protein, fibre minerals and vitamins in all your meals.
However, instead of three large meals, have about five small well-balanced meals.
And rather than manically counting calories, restrict your portion ( about the size of your closed fist would be ideal) for each meal.
Even if you don't reach your goal immediately, say in a week, don't give up.
Try harder; your body is a machine, which needs to be charged all the time with optimum nutrition.
If you give up on your body, your body will eventually give up on you and you will fall victim to a hoard of diseases and discomfort.
Myth: the longer you exercise, the better it is.
Fact: Too much exercise prevents results.
Every body is different and unique, with a different genetic rule.
Remember as a general rule, 'too much' actually takes you further away from your goal.
Not only is it hard on your body, but draining on the mind too.
A moderate but regular exercise programme, as opposed to a prolonged and intense period of exercise, produces more impressive results and takes you faster towards your goal.
For older people, workouts should first provide stimulation and only when the body has begun to respond to the stimuli, should they be put on a more rigorous programme.
Response to stimuli may be detected by the ease with which the person is able to do a specific set of exercises.
For example, if the person can cycle for 20 minutes at level one without any discomfort, it means the muscles are now ready for a little more strenuous regimen.
So you can move on and start a faster fat-burn process.
The truth about exercise is that it is not as simple as people think.
On the contrary, there is a law of diminishing returns operating here.
With rigorous exercise, your body, after a while, loses a lot of muscle, water and salts (which is not what is required) instead of fat, which is what you are aiming to lose.
Fact: Your body needs more water than it's telling you.
Myth: Muscle grow while you are working out.
Fact: Muscles grow while you are resting and recuperating.
Imagine a muscle cell as a building, and imagine exercise as an instrument that causes structural change to the building.
As you break and rebuild, a repair process too has to take place.
This is essentially what happens after an effective workout.
Muscle cells are mobilized by the body to fix that damage.
the repair work requires energy that under the right circumstances will be pulled from your stored body fat.
That is one of the reasons why weight training helps in effective fat reduction.
the objective of your workout is not to give one tremor after another to the building (body) and demolish it, but to let your body rebuild itself in between the workouts, and fuel it with proper nutrition to feed your muscle to do the required work.
give your body time to rest and relax to ensure proper recovery.
Myth to lose fat and reduce weight from your body, don't eat.
Fact: To build a lean, healthy body, you have to eat! One of the most crucial errors people make while trying to lose fat, is severely restricting food intake.
This simply doesn't work.
In fact, it never works.
If you try to starve off unwanted fat, you are playing a game you cant win.
To get the best results, you need to work with your body, not against it.
Random Tip: Select fitness equipment that most suits your requirements, interests you and which you will enjoy using.
Think first what type of exercise you prefer and what aspect of your condition you want to improve in particular.
You will get the best results by using different equipment to make exercising as varied and motivating as possible.
Must Read: Best Muscle Building Programs: Your ultimate guide to muscle building at http://www.

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