Hi All,
This is a free guide about how to use effectively pickup lines by Franco, the founder of Franco Seduction.
I hope you find it useful. I wish you can put this into practice in everyday life to make of the realization of all your desires become true.
Best Regards,
Franco Seduction - Pickup, Seduction and Female Relationship Coaching
The content is created and copyright by Franco Seduction – Pickup, Seduction and Female Relationships Coaching. Apply for Franco Seduction´s Free Newsletter
Hey All,
Let's talk a little bit about how to build effective pickup lines and how to have them really work on women.
Here is Hans writing from Germany.
He is in discomfort and very close to get prompt relief to his trouble in getting past the pickup lines.
First of all thank you for the recent advice on how to get rid of my one-itis for my former girlfriend.
I really realize now how she played me like a violin.
In this period of my life I am very much out doing pickup and have this issue of not being able to get past the pickup line causing me a real pain.
I use some pickup lines like this one:
"Hey, I think I saw you before. Ah! Now I remember.. it was in Paradise"
"Hello, are we related? Do you want us to be?"
The results are a disaster: some of them laugh straight to my face, some turn their face to another direction, someone looks at me like I would be an alien coming from Mars.
The worst ones are the ones who stare at me with a disgusted expression on their faces."
What´s going on here? Am I not being cocky and funny here?
The girls I am approaching are about 8s on my scale so quite beautiful.
Please help.
Regards, Hans"
"Dear Hans,
I can feel your pain. See men are logical, practical creatures. We tend to think along the logic of:
a > b > c > d > e > f >... along a logical chain of events.
So you are probably thinking:
I use a pickup line > she responds to me > we have sex.
Well, Hans, that´s not the case with women.
Women are extremely interested in 5 things when they deal with men:
A challenge.
Feeling strong, different emotions.
Strong leadership.
You are not "hitting" on her (this makes her feel like a slut if you do)
You do not come out as supplicating to her. You do not come out as kissing her up.
To have your pickup lines structured in an effective way please ask yourself these 6 questions before you open your mouth:
Am I being a challenge to her right now?
Does she get the feeling that we are communicating?
Do I induce in her strong and different emotions?
Am I leading her?
Do I come out as hitting on her?
Do I come out as kissing her up?
If the answer to all of the first 4 is yes and the answer to the last 2 is no then your pickup line will get you very, very far.
So let´s look at all the 6 points closely:
One big reason pickup lines do not work is: you are not being a challenge to her by using one.
Believe it or not: many other guys tried that on her the same day.
I am right now traveling by ship to my summer house.
Well only this morning at the ship terminal I saw at least 3 guys trying the same stuff on a group of young women sitting at the bar.
Same thing was happening on the ship.
These guys were drunk and came out as really, really lame.
All the girls of the world and even the ones who are barely 7s have "already seen it all."
For them it is like seeing the same boring movie again and again and again.
So for a pickup line to be effective it has to be a challenge for her.
Something she did not hear before and which puts her on her toes.
The pickup line should be framed so to put her to impress you about something and not you to impress her.
The majority of the guys will try to impress her so when you will put her to impress you that will be a real challenge to her.
For example lines which make her self-conscious are like these ones.
Hans: "Hey, excuse me. I just wanted to say that your shoe is untied" (with smile)
Hans: "Sorry may I ask a question which bothered me all the way long during this trip. Is is true that in this country there is no good pasta at all?" ( to be used abroad when in her country: this is little bit of a neg)
Lines which put her to do something for you - for example in a fashion shop - asking her opinion about something you want to buy for yourself.
Because you are the Prize.
Hans:"Sorry can you tell me your opinion about this jacket, I think it makes a good match with the trousers."
These lines are a challenge because she does not know what to think: you are not praising her, you are not kissing her up, she cannot even know are you interested in her or not.
When done with the proper laid back verbal attitude she will be challenged to think: "Wow this guy really is not impressed by me. Let's find out about him!"
Women are compelled to communicate socially with other people. This comes from historical times not very far away when a woman - without the support of the man, her peers and her social group - could have at worst died of hunger.
For a pickup line to be effective soon after the line you have to go fast to communicating with her.
You say: wait a minute!
Am I not supposed to be cocky and funny first?
Answer: sure and not in all the cases.
You have to calibrate.
If you are cocky and funny without giving communication to her you will pickup and seduce all the freaks - which is fine for me if it is fine for you.
A woman of a certain level and quality will not give you the time of a minute if she does not feel after your pickup line the feeling that she is communicating with you.
Many of you will ask here: what is communicating?
Well I am going to delude you here: for the majority of the women communicating is the same like you paying attention to her and what she feels.
In a word: you have to make her feel the feeling that she feels good in your company.
To make her feel good you need to make her feel that the two of you are sharing special emotions.
So don´t even think for a second that communicating would be sharing with her the last financial news.
Your pickup line would end very fast in her telling you: "bye, bye" or telling you "let´s just be friends."
You have to move her emotionally: this is what women mean with "communication".
The reason women want emotional communication is connected with survival:
They need to know if they are really getting deep into you. It´s their way of asking for social support and maintaining it over time.
And here we get to the next point...
How you move a woman emotionally?
Think of a roller coaster: you have to give her the "up and down" feeling. You begin to do that in the phase of transitioning,
Transitioning is the phase of the pickup coming after the opener: it is a very important phase
In this phase you have her involved in a discussion with you.
The opener is the pickup line coming before the transitioning,
If you observe a natural seducer carefully you will see that very soon in his interaction with the girl he will shift to a phase where he engages her into a conversation,
This conversation is not "whatever conversation."
It is usually a very emotional conversation.
The problem with the classic "lines used by pua" is that they are used by guys without field experience to elicit a short term reaction in the woman.
See Hans, when you use the pickup line, when you do not shit to an emotional transitioning and then ask her why she is so beautiful you are simply making a fool of yourself.
Even a freak girl will at least unconsciously ask herself rapidly these questions:
Where is the communication with this guy?
Where are the wonderful emotions I crave with a guy?
One important thing at this point:
Women know very well - at least on the unconscious level - that if you succeed in moving them emotionally they will be compelled to want sex with you.
So when you approach them they will test you.
The reason of the testing is to find a way to control themselves in order to avoid feeling the same emotions they crave.
It´s ambivalence in regard to their own sexual desire.
It is a part of being a woman:
Fighting against what they want more than anything in order to not feel the guilt and the shame connected with being labeled as a "slut."
So when you use the pickup lines and the emotional transitioning in the right way expect that she will test you for congruence soon after.
She does that to have you make some mistake: if you do this will help her to control her own sexual desire. In my Manual of Seduction for Husbands, Single Men and Players I have described extensively female tests and how to pass them,
Here is an example of testing I made up for you Hans:
Hans:"Sorry can you tell me your opinion about this jacket, I think it makes a good match with the trousers."
Her: "I think it is quite nice.. what your wife said about the same?"
At this point she tests him: is he a betaised married man unable to be sexually aggressive?
Women are smart. She sensed that the reason you Hans asked her a favor might be a pickup attempt.
You keep your position.
One good way to react is to totally ignore the test and go forward as planned.
How to deal with tests is another story.
If it would be me I would answer: "Which one of my five wives?" with a smile.
Again: I like wild women. Don´t know about you, Hans.
Now it´s your moment to insert strong emotionality.
Now this part of the pickup is gay seen from the point of view of a masculine man: just live with it.
If a man would be able to do this naturally I would think he is a queen.
Hans: "Ah! My wife.. well actually one gets attached to so many things: a jacket, a wife, a cat (wink, wink). My cat Casanova. He is so nice. This time he was less nice. He did it on my jacket.. you know what I am talking about..Do you like cats? I just adore them."
Here you are describing her an emotional experience.
You see where I am getting Hans and why pickup lines usually do not work alone?
Now when you have her engaged into an emotional conversation about cats you can get to...
Leading her
No matter what "politically correct" stuff you were fed with at school my dear Hans: women like men who are in charge.
The more you show her that you are a leader the better are the chances she will want sex with you.
All the rest is silence.
So when you had enough of an emotional conversation with her you can show her that you can lead her somewhere:
Usually there, where you want her to be.
What is leading? Simple: it is telling her what to do and make it seem like she would have wanted it all the time.
Hans: "I was wondering one thing as you seem to be so interested in cats. I am going to a cat exhibition next week. I have another ticket as my sister told me she cannot make it. "
Here you go. You are building an opportunity. As "she is interested in cats" she is going to agree to go with you to a cat exhibition and there you can begin your escalation.
Or maybe you can lead her to a fashion exhibition.
No need to do any dating: you simply lead her into something you like yourself.
As in sales the more you like your product the more you will sell so in the case you – like me – really like animals and fashion then it will be easy for you lead her there.
Let´s get now to the next point
Not hitting on her
Unless you decide to use direct game - which really is not for beginners - when you "hit on a girl" you come out as a male of lower value.
You are a beggar then: that´s all what you are.
And she will respond accordingly.
The pickup line: "Hey, I think I saw you. Ahh.. now I remember.. it was in Paradise" is basically the same like telling her that you are a desperate male, who cannot get women.
That´s really not seductive.
Neediness is never seductive unless she is a masculine bitch who likes S&M games but that´s a minority.
So you statements, your non verbal attitude and your way of approaching her should be from the beginning to the end built so that you give the message: I do not need you, you need me.
When you "hit on her" you are giving the opposite message: you are not the Prize and you are needy.
Believe me: women really love a non needy strong man at the beginning.
It gives them something to fight for.
A few months ago I was chatting about this with one of my female lovers: she told me that catching a man and making of him her slave is probably the most exciting thing she could ever do.
When you "hit on her" you are giving the opposite message.
That´s why pickup lines usually do not work.
Women want the Prince.
Never kiss her up, never supplicate
Another question you need to ask from yourself while you build your pickup lines should always be: "can what I say or do be interpreted in the slightest way as me kissing her up?"
If the answer is yes then simply don´t do it!
In fact that will come back to you as a boomerang and you will get that sense of frustration which made you write to me this mail.
The pickup line:"Hello, are we related? Do you want to be?" is felt by the woman as a desperate attempt to impress her and get her attention.
It is supplication: something you want to avoid like the plague when you pickup and seduce women.
Hans the feeling of relief you feel when you have a woman supplicate to you and have her be a style judge for you is immense.
You are doing what the majority of the guys would never be able to do.
You are using pickup lines and seducing women in the most effective and powerful way!
Cheers, Franco
Content created and copyright
by Franco Seduction
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