Any guy who has swag, knows how to talk to the ladies. Whether it's just saying hi, or getting their number, this section will help you with the ladies. Talking to girls involves confidence, and just letting loose and not caring what they say. I'll give you some steps on how exactly to approach and how to talk to girls. Let's get started...
Find a girl you want to talk to (you're attracted to)
Walk up and say hi
Now, this is where you have options. You could ask where a certain place is. For example, where a store is. You could be more aggressive and say "you're cute, I had to talk to you". I recommend this: find a girl that's reading a book, or that's doing a hobby you can relate to, and ask her about it. (I'll have more ways/things to talk about it below.)
Once you have talked to her, and gotten to know her, you can either say you have to go and get her number, OR ask her on a date if she's free at that moment.
And there you go. It's that easy. You just need to believe in yourself. If she rejects you, who cares? There's ALOT of other women you can go for.
Remember, like anything you do, talking to girls takes practice. If you don't succeed the first couple of tries, keep on trying. Eventually you'll find the right girl, if you're just searching for one. (haha)
Here's a list of things you can say, when first approaching a girl...
Hey, you're really cute, I just wanted to say hi.
What are you reading?
Hi I'm (name), what's your name?
Could you tell me where (store) is?
Could you walk with me, I just got out of the doctors and i feel dizzy.
Let's go on a date. (first thing you say. actually works)
I've seen you in a magazine before, you're that model from Florida!
(This is my favorite. You can use any name, and any place) Hey Kelly! (she says my name isn't Kelly) Oh, I'm sorry, you look just like my friend. What's you're name? (ask more questions about her, and say how crazy it is that she looks exactly like her friend, but then say "wait, you're actually cuter than her")
Those above are just a very small fraction of what you can say. You can literally say anything. Saying funny things is also a plus. It will make her laugh, and that's definitely a good thing.
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