Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

The Secret to Meeting Women in Bars

Let's face it - going to a bar to meet a woman can be very intimidating! There is so much to deal with - loud music, other men, intoxication, and the worst...
the hostile attitude that some women seem to emanate! It's easy to tuck tail and run, but there is something you have to understand: these women get approached so often in bars that they think they've heard it all.
So generally they are ready to reject men out of hand before they have a chance.
Don't take it personally.
This is just a defense mechanism.
But that doesn't take away from the fact that this rejection is the major cause of the fear most men experience when it comes to meeting women in bars.
You're probably afraid to go start a conversation in a bar because you don't want to be rejected by women.
And hey, who could blame you? But you can't let this fear rule your life.
Despite the intimidating atmosphere, it IS possible for you to meet many great women in a bar or nightclub.
Once you can face this fear and start to deal with it, only then will you start making progress.
In my experience, knowing how to meet GROUPS of women can really help to increase your success in bars.
After all, women hardly EVER go to a bar by themselves! Bars are social atmospheres, so they usually go with friends.
If you have the ability to approach the entire group, it is much less likely that you'll get rejected.
Beginning a conversation with a girl in a group of women is difficult enough; continuing it depends very much on the VIBE you put out there.
This makes an ENORMOUS difference.
If you are nervous, and act scared, the women there will, in all likelihood, act the same way.
The chatter will stop and you'll probably be shut out.
If you act like you're having a good time, you think they look like some fun people to talk to, and you start on that note, they'll be FAR more likely to be friendly and open.
Now, I know a lot of guys who are GREAT at meeting women in bars.
Some of them use rather interesting and complex techniques that range from "pick up lines" all the way to magic and psychic readings.
But you don't need to do anything that complicated.
Instead, give this tactic a try...
Pick up your drink, walk over to the table, think of the funniest moment of your life so you have a smile on your face and say, "What, are you girls shy or something?" When they say, "NO, why?" Answer, "Because I've been sitting at the next table for at least a half hour and you haven't come over to say hi to me!" I have about 3 different friends who all use variations of this opening, and it always works great (if you're having fun when you say it).
Just remember, attitude is everything.
Make sure you are having FUN when you are meeting girls.
They'll have fun too.
And if you don't, you'll probably be back in the grip of fear.
This fear is what needs to be addressed.
If you can get by that, and subsequently the worry of what a girl thinks of you, you'll be setting yourself up for a lot more success.

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