Family & Relationships Friends & Friendship

How You Can Reconcile Your Breakup

I guess that it is fair to say that relationships are tricky old things. They have their ups and downs and of course the downs are sweetened by the magic of making up. Unfortunately for whatever reason some of that down time goes permanent and you end up breaking up. Despite the emotional turmoil that you are going for it is possible to reconcile a breakup if the love is still there.

If you have just gone through a breakup then the most important thing that you can do is to keep a clear head. Now I appreciate that it is not an easy thing to do, your world has just collapsed and you are going through extreme emotional distress. But think about it, if you go to your ex when you are in emotional distress, how are you going to come across to them, a pitiful wreck, far better if you can go to them with your self respect and dignity intact.

Now I do not know the reason for the breakup but you need to consider that all over the world, just as there are couples breaking up, there are also couples making up. It is possible that you could be in one of those relationships that are getting unhealthy, if that is the case, do not even think about getting back together, get out and make a great new life for yourself and good luck to you. If you have been in this position before and either you or your ex have made repeated promises to change then I would have to question the commitment to the relationship, if you or your partner cannot give each other the respect and commitment that you both deserve then where is the point, even if you do get back together then chances are that you will be back to this situation again and again...

Never, ever beg for another chance. Never ever demean yourself so that you become an object of pity. Now if you go round begging for another chance, your ex might take pity on you and agree, at which point you no longer have an equal loving relationship. All true relationships are founded on a basis of equality! Your ex has done you a favour by getting back together with you, how will this make for a long term, fulfilling, loving relationship?

For whatever reason, your ex no longer has the same feelings for you, based on that they have decided to bring the relationship to a close. If you really want to reconcile a breakup, it will not be easy but you have to accept that decision and pick up the pieces of your life with the possibility that you will no longer be sharing it with your partner.

Try figure out what went wrong in the relationship and what fault if any could lie with you. Look at how you might have changed since you first got together, is there any way that you could recapture the old you? Is there anything about you that drives your ex nuts? Once you have figured all that out you need to speak to your ex, apologise for anything that you might have done wrong, if there are ways that you can change then tell them, let your ex know your feelings for them and that you would like another chance to make the relationship work. Once you have said your piece do not repeat it again and again, you will start to sound desperate and that will not help your cause. If your ex still has feelings for you then this could open the floodgates, it will more likely take time and patience to rebuild your relationship, but then if the love is still there, who cares.

If you want to reconcile your breakup you have first to be prepared for the possibility that your relationship might have come to a close. If there is still love between the two of you then you can rebuild your lives together but do not try to rush it. Never compromise your self respect, it will make you seem less than you are and will not help you to win your ex back. Always remember that a relationship is a meeting of equal partners, if you want a fulfilling relationship then never compromise on that. Be strong, be confident, believe in yourself, your ex will notice that and will look at you with new eyes. If all goes well and you get back together then your relationship could become even stronger, if it is not to be then get out there and find someone to build a long and happy life with. Good luck whatever happens.

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