Travel & Places Travel Knowledge

What You Should Bring in Vacation

When you are traveling somewhere, it means that you are far away from home! You do not go

back by the time you remember you have left an important stuff, and it becomes worse when

there is no shop nearby. That is why you must prepare anything well.

Traveling is always nice if you are well-prepared. You will go to strange places that you

might never know before. No one you can rely on when something happens to you! You have to

plan anything yourself, especially the stuffs you will bring.

There are several things you should keep in your backpack before you leave. They function

to keep you safe, or even to prevent you get bored in the middle of the long trip. The

stuffs are probably the ones you can not find easily at your destination. Here they are.

CAMERA - It can be the most important item for your vacation as it is to capture every

moment you have. The places you visit in your vacation now will not be the same places on

your next vacation lists. Actually, cameras can be found anywhere, in any country, but they

could be the ones that you do not want. Just bring it from home, plus extra batteries just

in case you cannot find them at your destination.

EARPLUGS - When you travel at some underdeveloped countries, you will find many

uncontrolled noise, such as horns, fire crackers, or strangers talking out loud. The

earplugs are helpful when you have difficulties to get sleep because of this noise, or just

to dampen the sounds of songs played loudly by bus drivers.

GUIDEBOOK - This is the one you should have every time you want to visit a country. You

cannot always ask strangers as most of them are not that kind-hearted. Buy the guidebooks

in your country, because it is a little bit difficult to find them in underdeveloped


BIKE LOCK - You will need it if you rent a bike and you do not want to get any trouble.

Purchase one which has a key, and not a combination lock since you will feel difficult to

see the numbers it in the dark.

MEDICINE - When you travel to some countries, you will face different weathers from one to

another. This could influence your health, so you need to prepare some medicine to make you

stay fit. Bring the medicine from your own country as the safest way. If you have some

empty medicine bottles, you can use them to carry some food ingredients and spices. This to

help your tongue accepts the food that tastes strange to you.

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