Everyone knows the drama involved in love, and we are all gripped by the soap opera that surrounds us when we are in love. Our emotions never sway so much from agony to ecstasy and back again than when we are in the fickle surroundings of romance. A love can pick us up from our knees, and lift us to heights that we never thought were reachable, but it can just as quickly sink us to new lows that we didn't know existed. At some point during your life, love will touch you in some way, and it will be an unforgettable experience either way.
Whether or not you go on to move in with the person, or even marry them, it is so important for your own wellbeing, that you make every moment count with them and work hard at your relationship, because it can be gone in a moment, and will leave you wondering what hit you. The way your partner looks at you, or the way they just smile when you are about can make love what it is. But it is also sometimes a more emotional substance, in that maybe they just get you for who you are and that can make all the difference in love. But in the same way that this can be the most uplifting thing about love, it can also be the most damaging. Losing someone who you are emotionally connected to, as well as physically attracted to, can be enough to destroy a man.
The trust that goes into a relationship is the most pivotal thing. If you do not trust each other then what is the point of being together. It can also be said that some people look to create drama in their life, by causing arguments with their partners, whether it be talking of a sore subject, or doing something to provoke a reaction. Some people find it keeps things exciting and people on their toes; however others see this as a childish notion that can become tiresome and mundane. But whichever way you swing it keeps the drama of love intact, and provides at least a talking point in the relationship, keeps things free of routine and ensures that you don't bore each other.
Keep the person you love close, or the drama of love will hit you hard and you will not be prepared for it.