Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

How Do Men Fall in Love? – Surprising Moments that Make Him Melt

What really happens when men fall in love?  Do you know what they are really thinking when they find a woman irresistible?  Is there a moment when a man knows that a certain girl is really the one for him?  Plenty of what we see in the media places an emphasis on looks and sexuality, and there's no doubt that those things sell products, movie tickets, and more.  But you might be surprised to learn what really makes men fall in love.

Many men might be reluctant to make a commitment, but they can also fall fast and hard when they meet the right one.  Sometimes this happens gradually, but there is usually a moment when they just know.  That little moment, gesture, or action might surprise you if you knew what it was.

Sometimes it's the simplest thing that a man sees that makes that light bulb come on over his head.  These things are different for everyone, but what they have in common is that they reveal to him who you are.  Sometimes it's a laugh, a look, or what you do when you don't realize he's watching.  So don't be afraid to be yourself, even when it's quirky or silly.  It will make him feel good to know that you are comfortable enough around him to let your real self show.

Often, men fall in love only after they let their guard down.  When the focus is on romantic gestures and sex, the question of commitment is always hanging in the air.  Guys want to feel comfortable enough to open up, just like you do.

If you work on becoming friends, you can both get comfortable with each other.  It is disarming when you spend time to really get to know him, without there being any pressure.  If you help to create an open mood where he feels at ease sharing part of himself, he'll like having you around.

Men often don't get any credit for being able to notice the little things.  But they do.  In fact, it's  little things that make men fall in love.

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