According to the WHO website 350 million people worldwide are affected by depression.
Not only is it the leading cause of disability, it is also a major contributor of other global disease! Although there are various levels of depression, we can see we are not dealing with a small scale epidemic here.
When I look at the three main characteristics that define depression, I can see a clear remedy to this problem that many may not be able to define and therefore never consider it as the one weapon to use in the battle to destroy this disease.
Those three characteristics are: extreme sadness, hopelessness, and a feeling of unimportance.
Some believe medications will alleviate these characteristics.
Others believe some sort of mental rehabilitation, or meditation will do.
While others may believe in the power of life changes.
My very strong belief is that purpose is the weapon of choice to not just beat depression but destroy it! Purpose is simply defined as the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists.
Many in this generation now believe that we came into existence millions of years ago as the result of the evolutionary process of a single celled amoeba.
Others believe, as King David did, that we were created by God, the very same God who created the whole universe.
These are the words of David, "for You formed my inward parts, You wove me in my mother's womb.
I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made" (psalm 139: 13-14).
This same God, who created the entire universe is a God of purpose.
Throughout history He has been known to speak to some of His creation.
One of them was Jeremiah, a prophet, and this is what He said to him one day, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you.
I have appointed you a prophet to the nations" (Jeremiah 1: 5).
Although Jeremiah did go through his own bouts of depression, it never controlled him.
He was busy living out his purpose.
His purpose was a tough one.
He had to speak to people who didn't wish to hear his message, but he continued until death.
He was more gripped by God's purpose than anything else.
God spoke to many people in the Old Testament in the same way, telling them of His purpose for their life, but He speaks in the New Testament era as well.
For those who believe the gospel of Jesus Christ we have His Spirit living inside of us and He speaks to us through His word and the Church.
One verse that speaks of God's purposes for our life is found in Ephesians, "for we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them" (Ephesians 2: 10).
You see, God has our best life already planned out for us if we would like to experience it.
But we first must believe the gospel, then choose to follow through and walk with Him.
Then He will reveal to us, through the bible and the Church, what His specific purpose for our life is.
So, going back to the three main characteristics that define depression, you may experience a level of each of them, but they will not overwhelm you any longer.
If you are busy living out God's purpose for your life, you may be sad at times, but it will not grip you.
The Holy Spirit will wake you up to continue in God's work.
You should never feel hopeless or unimportant, but if those feelings come upon you, you are not properly pursuing God's purposes.
Follow His purposes and destroy depression!