Extenders gained popularity to few benefits which are not seen in other types of penis enlargement methods. For penis enlargement, man requires privacy and discreetness to carry out the tsk. One among the many benefits provided by extender devices for men is that it can be worn under clothes discreetly and comfortably for long periods of time, providing privacy and security which are not there with other penis enlargement products. Among the penis extender devices available in the market, we give you a synopsis on a few that you can choose from:
- Jes Extender: To permanently increase the size of the penis, Jes Penis Extender can work in a discreet manner without you having to endure the risk of pills or surgery which is replete with side effects. It has been around for a decade now, and has been one of the preferred ways to enhance penis size as compared to penis enlargement surgery. The reason why many men do not think of extender devices for enhancement purpose is that these may look intimidating, but Jes penis extender comes with a training program in a DVD providing video instructions on how to use the device. So your fear of using can be minimised by following these instructions. Also, Jes extender has CE certification to ensure you of the quality of the product and manufacturing process. It is important to wear the device for the recommended period of time but it would also work if you wear for lesser time. Many users found to see penile growth within a few weeks of using this extender device, while other showed a significant development in 1-2 months. Most men see visible difference in the first 4 months of using this device.
- Phallosan Forte: Another device that you can rely on to achieve penis enlargement is Phallosan Forte. With regular use, you can achieve stronger, long lasting and longer erections. Classified as class 1 medical product by European Health Authorities, this device comes with a patented orthopaedic belt system and an innovative vacuum protection technology. It can be worn underneath clothing comfortably for about 12 hours. The patented vacuum protector system increase both length and girth while the orthopaedic belt makes it comfortable to use it for so many hours. MenâEUR(TM)s Health magazine had even confirmed in 2009 that Phallosan Forte can help you get âEUR~longer penis without surgeryâEUR(TM). The device is soft and discreet but it should be noted that results will take from a couple of weeks to few months to appear. With a wound on penis, use of this device is not advisable. Also do not use Phallosan Forte if you are under 18 or under the influence of alcohol or any other drugs such as painkillers and sleeping pills.