It is noted that millions of people worldwide have Type 2 diabetes and don't even know it.
The symptoms of diabetes progress slowly attacking the organs of the body until a person starts to notice something just isn't quite right or has a heart attack or stroke.
The symptoms are many and vary from person to person so it is important, especially if you are over 40 to be tested.
The Type 2 Diabetes Medications will vary as well so your doctor can identify which medications are right for you.
Diabetes is a serious condition, but it is manageable.
If your diabetes cannot be controlled through diet and weight loss your doctor will prescribe a diabetes pill.
These pills do not have insulin in them as they still require the pancreas to make insulin, and they are only used by people who have type 2 diabetes.
Diabetes pills help to manage diabetes, but they are not a cure.
Following a healthy eating plan prescribed by your doctor or nutritionalist and having an active exercise program is still very important.
It is also important to note that pills taken together may cause serious side effects.
If you are taking other drugs for various reasons your health provider should be informed before prescribing Type 2 diabetes medications, this would include either prescribed or over the counter medications such as cough syrup.
This would include any herbs and homeopathic remedies.
Herbs may be popular because they are considered being natural but it may not mean they are necessarily safe.
A herbalist or naturopath will want to know what drugs you are taking before recommending a remedy.
Some pills take time to make an improvement in your blood sugar and in some cases up to 6 weeks.
Insulin could be introduced to manage type 2 diabetes if diabetes pills have reached maximum dosage or a combination of diabetes pills are tried and neither is effective controlling your blood sugar levels.
It is very important to take Type 2 diabetes medications should you become ill.
Illness can increase your blood sugar level.
There are many commonly used diabetes pills for just about as many uses they are prescribed for.
Metformin acts on the liver, Pioglitazone and Rosiglitazone acts on muscle with an increase risk of getting pregnant, Glyburide, Gliclazide, Glimepiride, Repaglinide, Nateglinide act on the pancreas, Acarbos acts on the small intestine.
If you are trying to get pregnant a woman should be tested before and during pregnancy as Gestational diabetes mellitus can complicate pregnancy for both Mother and Baby.
Pregnant or breast-feeding woman should not be taking Type 2 diabetes medication pills as there are already hormonal changes occurring in the body.
If the Mother is overweight, had a previous baby over 9 pounds, or a family history of diabetes it is imperative she should modify her diet accordingly.
If diabetes is diagnosed during pregnancy it will usually disappear almost immediately after childbirth but should be watched closely a she may be at a higher risk in later years.
Diabetes is always serious and always manageable.
Having healthy blood sugar control is very important whether you take insulin, pills, or manage your diabetes through nutrition and activity alone.
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