The most effective treatment for type 2 diabetes is the diabetes meal plan, but that does not necessarily leave out sweets.
It was once thought that a person with diabetes could not eat any sweets, but that is just not true anymore.
You can add sweets to your diet as long as you eat them along with you balanced meal plan.
You can substitute a piece of cake for another carbohydrate in your meal plan such as piece of bread or a potato.
At one time it was thought that substituting honey for sugar was a good idea, but not anymore because honey and sugar affect your blood sugar the same way.
There is now strong evidence carbohydrates overall affect blood sugar level no matter if your carbohydrate is a potato or a cupcake.
Of course, one is better for you than the other, but a substitute every once in a while is thought to be fine (and that baked potato is a lot bigger than that little cupcake).
15 grams is suggested as a serving of fruit - that would be the following fruits: 1/2 medium banana, 1/2 diced mango, 1 1/4 cup watermelon, 1 1/4 cup whole strawberries.
There is one way to know exactly what you should eat, bring your blood glucose down and lose 30 to 40 pounds and that is with a diabetes diet.
This diabetic meal plan is now being offered by companies for free because there is such an epidemic of obesity and type 2 diabetes today.
Have a professional create the diabetic meal plan for you because if you strictly adhere to a diabetic meal plan you will lose weight as much as 30 to 40 pounds, be able to come off of your medications and feel better than you have felt in a long time.
Don't take any chances with your health.