In 2005, 4% of the UK population were diagnosed as having type 2 Diabetes.
More worryingly, the UK rate has surpassed USA rates, which means that the UK is leading the way for Diabetes.
That is not exactly good news.
Diabetes occurs when the body cannot produce or use the hormone insulin.
Insulin controls the rate at which sugar is absorbed into the blood stream, but if this mechanism is not working correctly, high amounts of sugar will remain in the blood.
Diabetes can lead to major problems such as heart disease and infections of the gums, mouth and feet.
The medical model for the treatment of type 2 Diabetes tends to be prescribed medication and constant blood monitoring.
There is however, another way.
Type 2 Diabetes can be controlled via diet and exercise alone and this is what some doctors are recommending as the first line of defence.
But for the few doctors who do recommend this approach, many do not, so if you happen to have type 2 Diabetes, take back control and start looking at ways to improve your health via dietary and lifestyle changes.
Start with introducing more fresh raw vegetables and one to two pieces of (non sweet) fruit everyday (i.
apples and berries).
Swap refined wheat flour for whole grains and ensure your meals are low in refined sugar.
Depending on your activity levels and your schedule, eat a little but often to keep your blood sugar stable.
Implement these simple steps and your health will transcend to a new level.
The key is to be prepared.
Where possible, make your own lunch and snacks and take them with you wherever you go.
It's your life, so do yourself a huge favour and look after it.
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