Health & Medical Diabetes

Type 2 Diabetes - Diabetes and Retinopathy

Uncontrolled diabetes, be it Type 1 or Type 2, causes fluctuations in blood sugar levels which leads to:
  • eye problems,
  • vision problems,
  • neuropathy,
  • skin disorders,
  • difficulty healing, and
  • other vascular and physical problems.
People diagnosed with diabetes are urged to have their eyes checked annually by an ophthalmologist because retinopathy symptoms do not appear until the later stages of the disease.
If retinopathy is left untreated blindness will occur.
Both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetics can develop the disease.
The longer a person has diabetes, the more likely they are to develop retinopathy.
The retina of the eye is found in the back of the inner eye.
Its sole purpose is to filter the light and transmit visual images received by the eye to the brain through the optic nerve.
When blood vessels become damaged by high and unstable blood sugar levels, they are also damaged in the retina.
Additional vessels grow uncontrolled and older vessels become blocked or turn into micro-aneurysms.
Fluid will also build up causing pressure within the eye.
This is called macular edema.
There are various stages of retinopathy but early intervention can slow the progression of this disease.
Unfortunately symptoms of diabetic retinopathy do not occur until the disease is advanced which is why its important to have an annual eye examination.
Symptoms consist of:
  • seeing black spots,
  • blurry vision,
  • gradual loss of vision,
  • small objects that seem to float across your vision,
  • poor night vision.
High blood sugar and high blood pressure are factors that can contribute to a higher risk of eye disease and complications.
The blood vessels in the eye are very tiny and fragile.
Changes in components of your bloodstream and blood pressure, can weaken and then damage the vessels and various structures within your eyes.
With Type 2 diabetes, it is vital your blood sugar levels be closely monitored and care taken with your eating plan.
Diabetics are also urged to quit smoking and keep blood pressure and cholesterol levels under control.
Most eye complications are treatable.
In later stages treatment is done by scatter lasers to burn away abnormal blood vessels or shrink other vessels.
This is a non-painful surgical treatment done by an ophthalmologist, doctors specializing in the care of the eye.
Laser treatment does not cure the disease, but prevents it from worsening, it controls the problem by cauterizing the small blood vessels, but it must be combined with effective blood sugar control.
If there is a lot of bleeding from the retina a procedure called a vitrectomy is done to remove the blood build-up.
The two most important things to remember are controlling your blood sugar and having regular eye exams by an ophthalmologist.
The National Eye Institute is constantly doing research to develop and test medications to prevent diabetic retinopathy.
Above all else, focus on reversing your Type 2 diabetes so that all of these scary complications don't have to happen in the first place.
It is much easier to make lifestyle modifications early on in the disease than it is to manage some very life threatening complications later.
Instead of ending up with eye-sight issues or on dialysis, you can make dietary and fitness changes now to prevent these from happening to you.

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