- 1). Remove all fat and meat from the skin using a knife.
- 2). Rub noniodized salt into the flesh side of the skin. Roll up the skin, folding the head inside, and set it on a slanted board for 24 hours. This allows the extra liquid to drain.
- 3). Open the hide and resalt, laying it flat to dry.
- 4). Mix 20 cc formic acid or 3 oz. citric acid per gallon of water in a large bucket or tub. Soak the hide overnight in the solution, agitating frequently until it is rehydrated. The pH level should be maintained at 2.0.
- 5). Remove the hide from the solution. Use a knife to thin down any thick spots, paying close attention to the forehead and neck of the bear.
- 6). Fill a tub or bucket with water at a temperature of 80 degrees Fahrenheit and add hide degreaser. Stir the hide in the solution for 10 to 15 minutes. Remove and wash the hide again in water at 80 F. Remove the hide and drain.
- 7). Fill the bucket or tub with 1/2 lb. salt, 3/4 lb. alum and 1 gallon water. Place the hide, flesh side down, in the solution for three to five days. Agitate the hide frequently.
- 8). Remove the hide and shave it to desired thinness. Place the hide back in the solution, adding PH-Plus until the pH level is at 4.0. Let the hide soak for 24 hours.
- 9). Drain the hide until it appears dry. Rub tanning oil on the hide and allow it to absorb for 24 hours.
- 10
Wash the hide in lukewarm water with a mild soap. Rinse in clean water, drain and mount the hide.
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