Business & Finance Advertising & sales & Marketing

Marketing Real World VS Real Marketing Degree; Who Will Win the Market?

So many folks go to business school and just fall in love with marketing and I cannot blame them, as I have had a blast marketing for my companies although most of what I learned I learned the hard way, a different sort of school; yes you guessed: The School of Hard Knocks.
Ah, so you too have had some of those ruthless classes and hardcore hits and lessons? Well, we share a common bond it appears? It would have been nice to learn it the easy way, but something tells me I might just have learned it slightly better.
Many real entrepreneurs will say that most MBA fresh out of school kids cannot market their way out of a paper bag and without taking anything away from our American Business Schools some of the best in the World, I must say I do somewhat agree with those comments, pretty funny, actually.
And mind you I am not attempting to laugh at someone else's expense, rather the absurdity and the ego of some of these out of school folks is a little troubling and definitely problematic.
In the market place when I was running the company, before I retired and do realize that' it is my money on the line I only care about one thing; WINNING.
And I must also say that there are issues with today's Marketing MBA graduates so, I agree with such comments and I have given many speeches at so many colleges and the folks just have no clue about marketing ANYTHING.
But lets not just pick on the college grads as it takes a lot to get those degrees and those kids are not stupid people, many of them have the finest genetics around and have gotten the best education money can by.
However the winner in free markets goes to those who truly understand the game and you can study it all you want, but until you are on the real battlefield and it is your real money, well all bets are off and that little piece of paper (diploma) is of little value unless it is a big fat check on the back.
Consider this in 2006.

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