- 1). Purchase a pre-punched blanket. Otherwise, you will need to punch holes by hand that are big enough for the crochet hook to go through every 1/4 to 1/8 of an inch around the edge of the blanket.
- 2). Make a slip knot with your crochet cotton. To make a slip knot make a loop in the thread, pull the end of the cotton that is attached to the ball through this loop. Pull this cotton tight. This is a slip knot.
- 3). Insert the crochet hook through the remaining cotton loop. Pull the cotton that is attached to the ball of thread until you have a loose loop over the crochet hook. You do not want the cotton to be pulled tight over the hook, as this will make it difficult to crochet with.
- 4). Insert the hook through the first hole. Place the cotton over the crochet hook while it is inserted through the hole. Pull the crochet hook back through the hole. You will have two loops over your crochet hook. Put the cotton over the hook and pull this thread through the two original loops. This is your first single crochet. You should have one loop left on your hook.
- 5). Repeat the last step for every hole around the edge of your blanket. This will form a row of single crochet around your edge. Once you have completed the last single crochet in the final hole, insert the crochet hook into the top two loops, known as the chain, of your first stitch. Place the cotton over the hook and pull the crochet hook back through the chain. Pull loop two through loop one on your hook. You will have one loop left on your hook.
- 6). Do a chain stitch by placing the cotton over the hook and pulling this through the loop on the hook.
- 7). Insert the crochet hook in-between the first and second single crochet. Repeat the directions for creating the first single crochet between each stitch of the first round.
- 8). Complete the final single crochet of the second round. Insert the crocket hook into the chain of your first stitch. Place the cotton over the hook and pull the crochet hook back through the top two loops of the stitch. Pull loop two through loop one on your hook. You will have one loop left on your hook. This completes the second round.
- 9). Place the cotton over the hook and pull it through the loop on the hook. Repeat this twice. Cut the cotton, leaving a 2- to 3-inch length of thread. Pull the loop on the hook away from the blanket until the end comes loose. Pull this loose end to tighten the knot at the end of the project.
- 10
Use a needle to weave the end of the thread in amongst the single crochets on the back of your project to hide it.
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