Abstract and Introduction
The management of pediatric and adolescent acne requires multifaceted considerations revolving around the patient, parents, and appropriate treatment. The following case report represents a typical scenario exemplifying the key role of the dermatology nurse practitioner in optimizing successful acne management outcomes.
Acne vulgaris is common among adolescents; most, if not all, personally experience its impact or are directly involved with individuals who have the condition. Effects of acne may extend beyond the physical lesions; psychological and social implications associated with the condition can be equally severe. The management of acne is multifactorial and, fortunately, a number of therapeutic options are available. Nevertheless, careful consideration must be made, particularly among adolescents, to properly align appropriate treatment to optimize outcomes.
The role of nurse practitioners (NP) is particularly important, as the need for continual patient education, motivation, and followup can sometimes lapse in a typically busy clinical practice. Addressing patient concerns, evaluating treatment efficacy and tolerability, and monitoring adherence to treatment are critical components of acne management. The following case study represents a characteristic scenario where all of the aforementioned components play a considerable role in the NP's contributions to successful management.