Despite the fact that there are now a lot of internet marketing tools that you can use in promoting your website and your product, still nothing beats the use of high quality, properly optimized articles.
This is because content and SEO are now the most important elements in grabbing the attention of your prospects.
Here's how you can properly optimize your articles for better page ranking and improved web traffic: 1.
Identify the most searched terms in your chosen niche.
There is no better way to start the process than knowing the exact terms and phrases that are being searched for by your potential buyers each time they are using the search engines.
You can do this by simply doing keyword research using reliable online tools that are offered by major search engines.
Know what's the latest in algorithms of search engines.
Before you start writing your articles, see if there are any changes in the algorithms of major search engines when they're indexing articles.
You see, their requirements can change any minute and it's important that you keep yourself posted about these changes.
Meta tag description.
This is a very short (2-3 paragraph) summary of your article that search spiders can use in analyzing your content.
For best results, ensure that you use the keywords that you're targeting.
Optimize your articles.
Start by using the keywords on your titles.
Then, sprinkle them all throughout your article content.
Be very careful not to exceed the acceptable keyword density.
Also, use the latent semantic indexing technique which is the process of using words that are synonymous to the keywords that you're focusing on.
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