The most common question I get by far is; how can I lose fat on my belly? People want to know what is the most effective method to use.
Is it traditional cardio, strength training, aerobics or interval training.
Well, I have tried them all at one point during my life.
With over 10 years experience as a personal trainer, actually training myself and as part of team sports, conducting lab experiments and keeping up with all the latest research I am pretty confident that I know what works and what doesn't.
I am going to concentrate on giving you information which you can put into practice if you have limited time.
In the real world it is not practical to spend 8-9 hours a week working out.
And in truth you can achieve your fat loss results in far less time than that anyway.
That's why some of the information out there is not relevant because it is impossible to apply it in your lives.
So what is the best way to get a better body? The order of the best workouts go like this.
Bodyweight exercises as a warm up.
Using high intensity supersets to build muscle and increase strength and finish off with high intensity interval training.
This type of training will release more fat burning hormones and you will be done in less than 45 minutes.
This is done 3 times a week.
The 5 minute bodyweight warm up will prepare you for the strength training which will follow.
This is far more effective than just walking or jogging on a treadmill.
The strength training supersets in the middle part of the workout is 2 strength exercises performed back to back with little or no rest in between.
This will ensure maximum fat loss as well as cutting down our overall workout time.
This section will only be 20mins and comprise mostly of basic exercises and more bodyweight work.
The final part of the workout will be 20minutes of interval training.
Interval training is short bursts of high intensity work coupled with slightly longer low intensity periods of recovery.
Cool down to finish and that is one workout done.
45 mins max.
If you compare that kind of session with what I see at the gym everyday; 45-50 minutes on the machines doing slow boring cardio; there is no comparison.
In fact there are many negative side effects to long cardio; it is not the most efficient way to train and will cause a lot of overuse injuries.
So the best way to burn belly fat is with a combination of strength training and interval training.
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It has great examples of fat burning workouts.
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