You are, by far the best resource for information and tips to get your ex back.
You know your ex better than most people.
You've shared intimate moments, laughter, tears, ups, and downs.
You know your ex probably better than anyone on the planet knows your ex.
It's time to leverage that knowledge to create a plan of action that is sure to get your ex back.
You are the best source of information that will help you win back your ex.
Before you do anything you need to think about these things and come up with a plan of action based on what you know about your ex.
What dreams did you share with your ex? Did you both dream of that magical vacation to Venice? Were you more interested in mountain climbing, sky diving, sailing around the world? Was your ex an adrenaline junkie or did your ex want nothing more than to settle down and spend some serious time at home? What common dream did the two of you share and talk about doing together some day? Could that be a rally point for the two of you? Is today some day? How committed are you to finding tips to get your ex back that work? Here's a good one to begin with.
Get a postcard that has your dream vacation destination (the one you wanted to take together) on it.
Write a note on the back: "Is it too late for some day? I'm ready if you are willing.
" Now, you must be ready to move heaven and earth to make it happen.
This dream holiday could be just what the doctor ordered because it will get the two of you away from the every day and give you time to really talk together, in neutral territory about what is right and wrong with your relationship.
More importantly it will give you an incredible experience to bind you together.
You'll be surprised at just how effective this is.
Here's what to do if you've already had that vacation of a lifetime.
Invite your ex to experience the next best thing close to home.
It could be the Italian district for a weekend or even a nice Italian dinner if Italy was your experience.
Or you could go all out and rent a suite at the Venetian in Las Vegas (though I'd hold off until your ex agrees to make the booking).
Making the offer though is a great conversation starter.
If Italy wasn't your dream or your great romantic escape of yesterday what was and how can you rekindle that flame today?
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