If you own a small business you should consider ways to promote yourself through public relations to compliment you advertising regiment and keeping your name out in the public and in front of your best customers.
There are many ways to keep yourself visible on top of your typical advertising choices.
Perhaps you might send some adverting to some newsletters as well as your newspaper print ads, radio and cable advertising.
Here are some of the places you should try to place your company's Public Relations for possible feature stories, ads or announcements: Local Newspapers Large Company Employee Newsletters Contractor Newsletters Chamber Of Commerce Newsletters Local Industry News Real Estate Multiple Listing Books Local BBS Bulletin Boards A marketing piece might also be to insert our flyers in the daily newspaper.
This usually ranges from $23.
00 per thousand if we print the flyers and $25.
00 per thousand if the newspaper prints them.
The newspaper rarely prints flyers in house, although some do.
They contract it out because their printing presses are all computerized and specialized for that industry only.
Large newspapers such as The Los Angeles Times have really neat programs whereby they will mail a flyer to every residence, which doesn't take the paper.
Christmas time is a bad time to do inserts because it gets lost in all the shuffle of 20 other color catalogs of every retailer under the sun.
Most small newsletter will allow you to insert for a similar price and although the volume is less it is more targeted and thus you get a much bigger percentage ratio of new clientele.
You should be thinking here to increase your exposure and attract new clientele to your small business.
Think on it.
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