First, like all non-standard Perl modules, you will need to install Games::WoW::Armory from CPAN, and then you can include it at the top of your Perl programs with the use statement:
use Games::WoW::Armory;
After that, we create a new WoW object and do a simple search: my $wow = Games::WoW::Armory->new(); $wow->search_character( { realm => 'YOUR_REALM', character => 'YOUR_CHARACTER', country => 'SERVER_COUNTRY_CODE'} );
Once the lookup is complete, you can print out all kinds of interesting data about your character and use it to automatically track your progress: print $wow->character->name; print $wow->character->race; print $wow->character->level;
There's even a guild search function for tracking your guilds members. Once again, why take the time to do things that can easily be automated with a little Perl scripting! Module Links: