DUI violation is not new to most people, especially to those who have cars and all motor vehicle drivers including you, that is, if you drive.
Before acquiring your license, you were obliged to know the rules and regulations whenever you pass through the streets and the protocols as a responsible driver.
You should be aware that there are numerous laws that mount driving under the influence and that there are many ways you could receive a DUI violation.
Thus, if you happen to be on probation and committed any new crime during that probation period, you will most likely be reprimanded to enhanced punishments.
This means that you could face further jail time, new added and more expensive fines, a longer probation period, community service, and more.
As luck would have it, you can still request for your legal representation that could often help you reduce your consequences.
So, if you have been charged with any DUI violations, you must discuss your case immediately with a qualified DUI attorney in your area.
Important topics your attorney would emphasize and discuss supplementary points with you: • Take action instantly in seeking resolution to your DUI violation of probation case.
If the probation officer may claim that you violated probation, you should act instantly as soon as you can.
You should know what options might be available under the circumstances of your case.
Your attorney will possibly negotiate the probation officer and see if your time will be allowed for extension to complete the conditions of your probation.
Therefore, your attorney would give you instructions about what actions to take in order to let yourself comply with the terms of probation prior to your court trial.
• You can avoid going into custody.
Your attorney can file a Motion to surrender if ever you are not granted to avoid going into custody.
In some cases, you may be able to walk out of the courtroom with your attorney after the Motion to surrender without having to go into custody.
If a motion to surrender is not possible or successful, an attorney can generally let you face again the judge within a matter of days so that your case will be resolved.
• Determining and resolving your case.
Your attorney might show the court that the suspected DUI violation to you was not intentional and not proven.
However, if the court finds that you did violate probation, your attorney can still claim that you'd be worthy for a second chance and that you will have to comply with the conditions of your first probation without serving any jail time.
Attain your probation terminated once you have already completed all the terms and conditions.
These are the finest way to avoid any forthcoming violation.
Criminal defense attorneys are committed to the supposition of innocence and will fight to defend your rights.
Don't put on hold your of your freedom any longer.