Health & Medical Hemorrhoids

Quick and Easy Hemorrhoid Relief Tips

When you're suffering from hemorrhoids, the long term goal is a treatment that completely cures you.
But while you're doing your homework to find the best cure, you also want to get some immediate relief.
These tips aren't likely to permanently eliminate your symptoms, but all are sure-fire ways to reduce the itching and discomfort fast.
Never forget that hemorrhoids are frequently aggravated by friction or strain on the anal region.
To get the most effective results, you need to treat the cause.
But to get the fastest results, it's best to treat the symptoms.
A sitz bath is often recommended as a way to get fast relief.
It's best if you have a basin specially designed for it, but if not, a normal bathtub will do just fine.
Fill it up with just a few inches of warm water, raise your knees, and just soak.
You don't need any soap, just soak there for 20 or 30 minutes at a time, as often as possible but at least a few times a week.
Vinegar and salts have been very effective for some people, particularly when recommended by a doctor.
You can pour vinegar or salt right into your sitz bath, just make sure you don't add too much.
You can also use vinegar outside of a sitz bath.
Just use a cotton ball to apply it to the affected area.
Aside from water, another option is ice.
The idea is that rather than cleaning the hemorrhoids, you're freezing them to make them less sensitive and reduce the swelling in the veins.
Any kind of ice pack will do, but you'll need to work out a system for using it.
Sitting on ice for too long may not be the most comfortable thing for you, so you might want to alternate between on and off periods.
Last but not least, there are a huge number of hemorrhoid creams and suppositories you can get over the counter without a prescription.
You may need to try a few different kinds before you find the one that works best, so be prepared to spend some money.
It's best to ask your doctor about it first, so you can go with the one they recommend.
These ideas will not only prevent your symptoms from getting worse, but they'll provide a noticeable degree of relief very quickly.
While these tips alone may not be enough to get rid of your hemorrhoids for good, they can be very effective at making your life a lot more comfortable today.

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