Health & Medical Hemorrhoids

How to Get Rid Of Hemorrhoids: Facts You Need to Know

Hemorrhoids are the result of the swelling of the veins on the anal region that causes severe pain.
It is most common to people at age of 50 and above but can also affect those at their 30's and even those in their 20's.
People who are suffering from hemorrhoids would definitely want to know how to get rid of hemorrhoids.
There are a few ways on how to relieve the symptoms of hemorrhoids which include; * Vitamin E - Use Vitamin E gel on a capsule form.
Puncture the end of the capsule with something sharp, like a pin and squeeze the contents of the capsule against your anus.
Slightly spread the slightly oily gel around your anus and experience quick relief of your hemorrhoids.
Repeat this procedure 2 times a day.
* Ice - One of the easiest ways on how to get rid of hemorrhoids is by applying ice on the hemorrhoid area as often as every 15 minutes or as possible if every 15 minutes is not feasible.
This provides instant relief also helps reduce the swelling.
* Warm Sitz Bath - Having 2-3 warm sitz baths a day will help reduce the swelling of your hemorrhoid and also keeps the area clean.
This is very important to prevent further irritation and swelling.
When the hemorrhoid area gets dirty, it can cause itchiness which is very irritating.
The warm bath will also help you feel relaxed and feel better.
* Hemorrhoid cream - Applying cream on the hemorrhoid area is another way of how to get rid of hemorrhoids.
It contains active ingredients that provide relief from pain and itching and prevent the tissues from more harm.
* Aloe Vera - Apply a small quantity of Aloe Vera gel on the infected area using your fingers.
If your hemorrhoid is internal, peel off the skin of the leaf and leave the gel-like component.
Cut it into strips and freeze it.
Insert the frozen Aloe Vera cuts in your anus and get instant relief from your hemorrhoids.
* Cayenne - This is a natural herb that will assist in relieving the pain caused by hemorrhoids.
Create a paste using coconut oil and cayenne and apply it on the hemorrhoid area.
You may also add one half teaspoon of cayenne to one glass of warm water and drink it every day.
This will help in the healing of your hemorrhoids as it helps purify the blood and invigorate the circulatory method.
* Eat More Fiber - Adding more fiber in your diet will help you have a better bowel movement.
The most common cause of hemorrhoids is the unnecessary strain when inducing a bowel movement.
You can avoid this by eating fruits and vegetables that are rich in fiber such as; apples with the skin on, pears, raspberries, avocado, cooked kidney beans, dry rolled oats, cooked peas, and bran base cereals.
* Drink Plenty Water - Inadequate supply of water in the body can cause your stool to harden.
Drinking more water every day will keep you hydrated and will help you generate a better bowel movement.

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