Diagonising External Hemorrhoids External hemorrhoids are usually situated on edge of the anal canal and appear like a soft reddish lump about the size of a marble.
They can be quite painful, itchy and often bleed.
If you have noticed blood around the stool or on the toilet paper its quite likely you have external hemorrhoids Causes Of External Hemorrhoids Everyone has external hemorrhodial veins, when there is increased pressure on these veins they can form into external hemorrhoids.
The most common reasons are straining and poor blood flow.
This can be brought on by weakness in the veins, constipation, pregnancy, poor bowel movement and sitting for long periods of time.
External Hemorrhoid Treatments Strengthening the veins and improving the digestive system is vital in the treatment of hemorrhoids.
The best way to improve these two areas is by using herbal remedies.
Herbal remedies are much safer and more cheaper than over the counter medications.
They are also natural for the body and can treat external hemorrhoids more effectively, and with permanent results.
Herbal Medication The use of herbs at medication can date back to the beginning of mankind.
Herbal remedies have been used to cure a range of medical conditions including scurvy, head aches, constipation, skin diseases, eye problems and hemorrhoids.
There dozen of herbs that can be used for external hemorrhoid treatment, some of the more common ones are horsetail, pilewort and aloe.
These herbs can be used by applying either internally or externally.
The benefits of using herbal remedies are that help to stop bleeding, soothe inflammation, relief pain, strengthen the veins and improve the digestive system.
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