Health & Medical Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoid Treatment - Just Make the Itching and Burning Go Away!

The symptoms of hemorrhoids can intensify with time, so it is important that you find the right hemorrhoid treatment at the first sign of a problem.
Hemorrhoids are swollen varicose veins and tissues in the rectum and anus.
They can be very uncomfortable and the symptoms can include itching, burning and bleeding.
If the symptoms become severe and are not becoming better it is best to seek medical advice.
Most hemorrhoid treatments relieve the symptoms that are uncomfortable.
A warm bath in the tub is a good way to ease the pains of a hemorrhoid.
Taking ten minute baths, several times a day in warm (make sure it is not hot) and clean water can bring some relief.
There are also some hemorrhoid treatment creams and ointments that can be bought over the counter.
Applying these creams and ointments to the infected area can help stop the itching and burning.
Medicated wipes designed for the symptoms of hemorrhoids are also available.
Changing your diet, however, can help prevent hemorrhoids from occurring.
If you drink more fluids and eat an increased amount of fiber, your stools will be softer and easier to pass.
Adding fruits and vegetables to your diet, as well as whole grains, will also make it easier to pass stools.
When it comes to hemorrhoids, less strain means less of a chance to develop hemorrhoids.
And if you already suffer from hemorrhoids, less strain will help relieve the symptoms.
In severe cases, the only hemorrhoid treatment that can be effective is surgery.
Using a high powered laser, the doctor will vaporize the hemorrhoid.
The laser surgery has a shorter recovery time than the traditional removal surgery, where the doctor cuts off the hemorrhoid and then sutures the skin closed.
By taking precautionary measures, however, you should be able to avoid surgery.

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