Health & Medical Self-Improvement

The Human Condition - Ignorance Of Self

The condition that most westerners are in, is not separate from what is known as "the human condition" which is deemed incurable, (again evidence of this struggle between darkening and illumining mankind) and so no cure is thought of, and is seemingly too complex, and so the problem is not worked out, seemingly, I would humbly conjecture, by the majority of westerners, and people in general.
The 'human condition' is that he has been taught, or accidentally learned from his forefathers, over and over again, a backwards view of reality.
Perhaps because he was still evolving, but now is the time when we correct this error because it is causing all of the chaos that we observe in the world and everyone knows it in their Soul.
What is my Self? Am I merely the sum total of my physical biology? What am I when I dream then? How is it that mystics or random people are able have out-of-body experiences, as if there were some type of magnetic field connecting their Soul and their body which can be 'played with'.
Perhaps there is a body altogether in your dreams which you occupy when you are in another dimension of consciousness during REM state.
These are all questions that cannot be answered by the hypothesis that man is simply a physical thing, even though science admittedly does not understand what 'physical' even really means! Isaac Newton said that (paraphrased) nature seemingly is abound in 'transmutations of gross material bodies to light and light to gross material bodies'! Newton himself was an Alchemist and trained in the Esoteric sciences which have been among those who have sought after it since the beginning of civilization.
Now, in the information age, we can begin to have access to this information, and through it we can see that all that we have been taught about reality in schools is a half-truth at best (more like a 1/16th truth).
All that we have been raised with was this false view of reality by all authority figures who crammed it in our heads and are the source of (probably nearly) all psychological dysfunctions present in humanity at the time, and all of the chaos in the world.
The whole world is running to the beat of a drum which people are continually attuned to day after day and generation after generation.
It is a "runaway freight train on a dark and stormy night" to quote one movie.
The human system can be seen as a microcausm of this runaway freight train at times, and at various levels, of course, because he (or she) is a reflection of the whole, (genetically).
We are hard-wired with the human condition from birth, and it's time we recognized it and sought treatment! Psychological dysfunction creates dis-ease in your body, and stress is a tremendous poison for your system, add that to the psychological dysfunction and stress and insecurities of everybody else, and you really have a tremendous cluster**** (bomb) on your hands.
This truly overwhelms a lot of people, even if you find it not overwhelming personally, it still undoubtedly causes suffering in your life because you are not as aligned as you could be, and you are not feeling the peace and bliss which you can be feeling if you are fully aligned to the Real Reality.
It's much like the movie 'The Matrix'..
in that people are operating only through their programming, until they realize what is happening and 'escape from the Matrix' and attain a node of Grace and Enlightenment.
Before this occurs we are forever blinded to what is really reality, and only able to see the computer program.
What is the joy in that? All of our life is pre-programmed from start to finish and we don't have any option to have any other kind of existence? I personally was raised with this belief instilled in me from culture and my family and it did cause a lot of suffering for me, because I am not the kind of person to want to get up at 8 in the morning, and go to some crazy indoctrination camp and learn Isaac Newton's table scraps without any real substantial understanding of any of the topics in a way that actually benefits my life as opposed to makes me an indoctrinated slave to the cultural-social-financial mega-machine.
Needless to say I feel that many of you feel the same way about these indoctrination camps which dot the surface of our planet, and some of us have lived in traditional families where it's barely an option that you go to college get married and have kids and get a house with a picket fence etc.
How many of us really lived the perfect blissful existence with often arguing, divorcing, alcoholic, or otherwise demented parents? How many of us have been able to sustain that impossible illusion of prosperity and happiness through the corporate and societal megamachine? We have been bred and imbued with this brainwashing, this brainwashing that caused us to paint a fictional world in our minds which we constantly try to upkeep with our thoughts and actions.
We create what Andreas Baader called 'the policeman inside our mind', which constantly tries to keep us in check with a particular view of reality which we believe to be, whether socially, culturally, or familiarly, hermetically sound and 'appropriate'.
If we examine the source of western suffering, I believe we will see that the friction between each of our individual views of reality, our ignorance, is at the core of all of the problems that we have as a culture, society, and as families.
The views of reality of those who create friction between people have crystallized from ignorant thoughts (I say ignorant not with malice but just in the pure sense of the word, ignorant of the Truth of the Real Reality, while thinking that the false reality was true).
This is the source of our 'human condition', and it can be remedied.
Throughout the day do you find yourself often judging yourself or others, or feeling judged? This is the fear of further friction between two realities who are alien to one another, and of the ignorance of not knowing your Self.
Ever we are defined by music, political affiliation, our street gang, etc.
and we form a sense of identity based on concepts which are completely impermanent, which do not exist outside of the fleeting impulses of some one society.
This does not reflect the depth and majesty of existence, but merely reflects the ignorance of our present period of time.
Our Will has been mis-used in a way to create a false image of who we are, we see it now in the false pride of our young people in America, the violence of our country, the manic depression which plagues our streets..
Ignorance is the source of all of this suffering, and all are aware of it.
A new system needs to be forged which is not created from ignorance and randomness but which is structured consciously with the needs and desires of the people in mind.
Again all are aware of this, and yet so precious few take the problem upon themselves and devote their life to working it out; at the same time so many continue to exacerbate the problem by adhering to this ridiculous and corrupt system which is destroying humanity and the planet.
The revolution that has always been sought after can not be brought about by force of arms alone.
When you take over the country, then what? The same ignorant a-holes are going to be in power and the same ridiculous system is going to be ravaging the world.
The revolution that must occur must begin within every single person, and it is not a political or militaristic revolution but an internal 'psychological revolution', to quote one prominent Yogi.
What is needed is that we stop seeing the self as merely our biological parts, or our brain, but that there are multiple bodies of subtler objectivity which form electric and magnetic polarities to one another, and are separated from each other by various degrees.
The Soul is not something that the physical senses can see, but it your True Ego, and is the center of force around which your body is animated; a body, which Spirit occupies, through the Sheath of the Heart, and that all of Spirit is One.
There truly is no separation between Souls, in the same way that you cannot identify a separation between one photon and the next, it is as a field of itself.
Take a moment to reflect on the idea of this subtle electric dimension/plane...
where separation is non-existent...
and from which all phenomena we observe as physical are animated.
This body of subtle energies within ourselves propels our thoughts to give form to the inherent Life Force within all things.
How that we are thinking, spurned on by the mental images we have of ourselves, the emotional damage and scars, the trauma and psychological dysfunction, all impacts our body negatively, and causes many of us to spin into uncontrollable chaos! Medicine has been turned into a curative process instead of a preventative one, psychology does not strike at the core of the issue, religion is watered down and administered by pedophiles and charlatans, and it seems that there is nowhere for one to turn to for help or for a real understanding of themselves! There is no manual for human existence! Or so it seems to the layperson! All of this causes us to not develop properly, to actually devolve, and to lack the skills necessary to instrumentalize your bodies with your True Will.

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