Family & Relationships Conflict

How to Make Your Ex Boyfriend Want You Back - Get Him Back With 3 Powerful Tips!

Learning how to make your ex boyfriend want you back can be hard at first.
This may sound weird but you need to put yourself in his mind to see how he really thinks.
Obviously the better you know your ex the easier this is to do, so you need to stop for a moment and think about what he wants in a girl and what even made him attracted to you in the first place.
OK I'm going to break this down as good as I can in short space.
Let's get started with the 3 tips shall we? - Did your guy like you for your personality or looks? Let be honest here, did you both have deep conversations or just long make out sessions? You need to figure this out because the way you approach him will differ for each situation.
If he only liked you mainly for your looks then you need to look the same way you did the first day he asked you out.
If it was your personality you need to bring that back to the same as the first day also.
Of course you could just act the same and look the same as you did when you first met him.
This is a powerful trick because it taps into his subconscious without him even knowing it.
I know it sounds crazy but he will see the attraction again just like he did the first time when both of you met.
- Maybe your ex dumped you because you did not have the same interest as him? This is possible so you need to start reading up about what it is he likes.
Even if you do not like football you should try to find something about it that you like.
Do not make it obvious though when you meet your ex again that you have suddenly started to like football, because he will know you are full of crap and just looking desperate.
Part of how to make your ex boyfriend want you back is not coming off as desperate, so just briefly bring something up about football.
Say something at first like "I saw the game last night and it really made me think of you.
" - Obviously the guy really liked you when you two first met right? You need to take a look at yourself and see if you have changed any at all.
We all change over time and it can be so gradual that we might not notice it unless we really examine ourselves.
Its very possible that you have changed over time and your boyfriend is not as attracted to you anymore and that was the reason for the breakup.
If this is the case you need to look back and bring yourself back to the girl you use to be, or at least closer to it before you see him again.
I hope these 3 tips have helped you in determining the best way on how to make your ex boyfriend want you back.
Check out my bio box below for even more information.
If you follow these 3 simple tips you will have your ex crawling back to you in no time!

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