Artichoke Lore
According to Elizabethan folklore, the artichoke was created when a beautiful woman angered the gods and was turned into a thistle.Ancient physicians prescribed artichokes to enhance the flailing libidos of men and as a remedy for a variety of physical ailments.
Roman scholar and naturalist Pliny noted the artichoke was more esteemed and valuable than any other garden herb at one time in ancient Rome.
German poet Goethe was apparently not so enamored of artichokes. As he said in his book Travels Through Italy,"the peasants eat thistles." He apparently did not much care for artichokes.
In Castroville, California, the artichoke capital of the USA, silver screen siren Marilyn Monroe was named the first Artichoke Queen while on a publicity tour in the Salinas Valley and central California in 1948.
More About Artichokes and Artichoke Recipes:
? Artichoke Selection and Storage? Artichoke Cooking Tips
? Artichokes do not go with wine FAQ
? How to Eat an Artichoke
? Artichoke History
? Artichoke Legend and Lore
? Artichokes and Health
? Artichoke Recipes
Artichoke Photo © 2006 Peggy Trowbridge Filippone, licensed to, Inc.
? | The California Artichoke Cookbook |
? | Mollie Katzen's Vegetable Heaven |
? | The Whole Foods Companion |
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