A strange fellow who seemed to scare people around him
I don't know what I saw that day, but it was strange. I live in Fresno, California. On a late afternoon in 2012 I was in my office on the third floor looking out the window at some teenagers who were hanging out in front of a Me and Ed's pizza place.
As I was watching, I noticed a man dressed in some kind of white outfit walking up to the group.
The kids looked at this person and stopped interacting among themselves. They just stood there, and when the man got closer, the group scattered.
I was thinking there was some kind of drama going on down there because of the way the teenagers dispersed. It wasn't normal. It seemed like they were scared.
Then this man in white went across the street to the bus stop where an elderly citizen was waiting for the bus. He, too, got up and started walking away quickly as the stranger approached. When the man in white reached the other side of the street, he stopped and looked back at the teenagers, who through their body movements were still watching him with caution.
By this time I was intrigued, to say the least. It was also at this time that I noticed something I didn't before. Something fantastic!
This strange person had no shadow! At this time of the day, shadows were cast long in an easterly direction, but this guy had no shadow! From my third floor office I couldn't quite make out his face; the features were a little odd and out of place, so to speak.
Then a long delivery truck arrived at the intersection and obscured my view. After the truck passed, the stranger was still there with his head turned up looking right at me! As if he knew I was watching him! I knew he was looking at me because his eyes, if you want to call them that, were in full view. They looked like some kind of lenses. He wasn't wearing glasses; these lenses were sort of independent, like they were part of his face. Weird!
This unnerved me a little. I stepped back from the window and called out to one of my co-workers to come have a look. Unfortunately, when we looked out there were more big trucks blocking our sight, and when the traffic cleared the stranger was no where to be seen.
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