Everything is changing fast and keeping up with these changes on a personal level is difficult.
This causes stress because fear about your current life situation and about your future drive your front burner worries.
If you begin to pay closer attention to the effects of stress on the body, you can dig deeper to understand the underlying stress factors.
This empowers and equips you to stay way ahead of the game because you can more effectively create your unique vision of wellness and health.
Louise Hay, author of 'Heal Your Body' has researched how does stress affect health issues for decades and provides insightful clues you can use to build a stronger inner relationship with your body.
Personal Values, Beliefs, Fears and 'Heal Your Body' Causes of Fat Body Weight It is always good before you do any personal development work to take a few deep breaths.
This moves you from your head into your heart which is where all long term personal development is accomplished.
As you breathe and prepare to absorb and learn from the following building emotional wellness and health information, align and center inside to allow your intuition to come through to guide you:
*** Oversensitivity *** Often represents fear and shows a need for protection *** Fear may be a cover for hidden anger and a resistance to forgiveLouise Hay Affirmations To Help You Transform Fat and Body Weight Issues
I am protected by Divine Love.Effects of Stress on the Body, Dimensions of Health and Wellness Fat Body Weight Conclusion Your own intuitive guidance will kick in to help you deepen your understanding as you play with the above Louise Hay affirmations.
I am always safe and secure.
I am willing to grow up and take responsibility for my life.
I forgive others and I now create my own life the way I want it.
I am safe.
Allow your own insights to come up and consider them deeply over time.
This will help you to let go of personal values, beliefs, fears and habitual thought and emotional patterns that you may not now be aware of.
This process will increase intimacy with your deepest Self and this empowers you with body weight issues in addition to all other everyday life situations now and over the very long term.
Toaccess more effects of stress on the body and holistic wellness and health growth coaching, request the newsletter offered at the links below.