Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

How to Start Dating Again After 50 - Tips for Getting Out There

Do go slowly when you're getting back into the dating scene again over the age of 50 years old.
Before you put on your best dress or most dapper duds and head out to the singles bars or a singles conference, think of dating as akin to working out at the gym.
You wouldn't try to press the maximum weight capacity your very first day at the local physical fitness club.
So you wouldn't jump into the deep end of the pool with mature singles dating scene right out of the gate, either.
Instead, start with ways of socializing that are like an active warm up at the gym.
Before you do senior dating, take a good look in the mirror and ask yourself when was the last time you updated your image? If it's been more than 15 years since you've updated your image, your look might still be stuck in the 1980s.
This is an idea for both the single guys and gals to ponder and reflect upon.
Ladies, go visit your favorite salon and ask for some ideas for an undated look.
Ask them what are some popular new colors being featured this season which they think you could wear.
Try those new colors on slowly as a new nail polish or lipstick.
Treat yourself to a new attractive and alluring dress which flatters your figure for wearing on a first date.
Men, talk to your barber about how you can bring your image into the 21st century.
While you're at it, purchase a few new spiffy shirts which you could confidently wear on a first date.
Start socializing before you start into the mature singles dating scene.
Start to stretch your social muscles slowly by going to social mingling activities first.
Build up your social ease, poise, and confidence this way.
What are some social activities you can practice your social skills at first before starting dating again? 1.
Attend an author reading at your local book store.
It is a low commitment level.
You only have to attend one time.
Go with the goal of lightly conversing with 3 people while you are there.
If you enjoy talking with anyone more than a few minutes, man or woman, just invite them to go join you for a coffee and to extend the conversation a little bit.
They don't have to become someone you date.
They might just turn into a new friend! When you expand your social circle, you expand your social options right along with them.
Attend a Personal Enrichment Class at Your Local Community College Community Education Program Select one of the Saturday workshops which gives you the greatest number of people likely to attend.
Choose a seminar which has a singles-related topic to it like Internet Dating or Charisma.
That way more of your fellow attendees are likely to be single.
Go to a Presentation at Your Local Public Library Your local public library has an events calendar.
Go to a new of their different presentations.
Men: you'll meet a lot of women at the Romance Authors event.
Ladies: you will encounter more men attending the financial planning and mortgage information sessions.
By sprucing up your image, you'll look your best at the age you are now.
And by attending a variety of events which are more community based than a singles group, you can practice all of your singles social skills but all of the pressure of the pick up singles bars is off of you.

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