Business & Finance Advertising & sales & Marketing

List Building - Does Offering a Free Ebook Or Report Really Work?

It's the first and most important thing we MUST get to grips with, isn't it? List Building.
We must have a List of Subscribers - people we can build a relationship with.
People who we hope will one day turn into Customers.
I'm pretty sure you've heard by now that the way to do this is to offer a free product, usually a Report or an eBook, in return for a name and email address.
Maybe you're still a little bit skeptical - does this REALLY work? Well, the simple answer is YES - it really does work! Your report/ebook doesn't need to be long (5-7 pages would be fine).
However, it does need to be of GOOD QUALITY.
It must contain useful information and it must be presented in an attractive manner.
Your eBook will be a sample of what your subscribers can expect from you in the future.
Remember, these are REAL people.
They have a PROBLEM and your eBook needs to SOLVE that problem for them or they will be left with a feeling of disappointment and dissatisfaction.
Right, now that you know you're trying to communicate with real live people, things get easier.
TALK to them.
Just be yourself - nothing is more powerful than dialogue which comes straight from inside you.
Not from your head - from your heart.
You need to be emotional and REAL.
That's what people respond to.
They need to feel that you UNDERSTAND them because you're LIKE them...
They will start to identify with you...
respond to you...
reach out to you...
Make sure you fully understand the information you're giving them YOURSELF.
Then just explain it the way you understand it.
Simple as that! Keep your sentences and your paragraphs short.
People hate to see large passages of text so make it easy for them.
Break it up! Finally, ALWAYS remember to SPELL-CHECK.

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