The last time I picked up a facial scrub, I had a careful look at the ingredients.
It said that it contained kelp which is basically an algae or seaweed.
Great! I know that seaweed is a great antioxidant and it is absolutely full of minerals and vitamins.
So why didn't I buy this range of men skin care products? Facts On Doubtful Ingredients I looked again at the label and my enthusiasm melted.
The scrub also contained butylene glycol, methylparaben and also propylene glycrol.
So, without getting too technical, what is wrong with these? Butyl, propyl and methyl are all parabens which are simply preservatives and which give a longer shelf life to cosmetics.
But they are often present in products claiming to be the best natural skin care for men.
These parabens tend to cause allergic reactions, skin rashes and in some cases they have been linked to cancer.
Some of these can interfere with our hormonal system.
In fact, the European Union is looking at legislation to ban these from cosmetic products.
The above product, by the way, was supposed to be all natural ingredients.
It pays to look at the label before you buy.
Common man skin problems I bet you have never heard of prostaglandin E2.
No, it has nothing to do with your prostate.
It causes redness and inflammation which is a common problem for men.
There is a company which specializes in men skin care products, which has actually managed to develop a secret ingredient called Cynergy TK which blocks the prostaglandin E2, offering relief from redness.
Powerful antioxidants Another fact about natural products being used in men skin care products is that the more antioxidants there are, the better.
Antioxidants prevent the spread of free radicals which are the results of oxidation and which cause skin aging and general cell deterioration.
Most of the common vitamins such as A, C and E are full of antioxidants.
These substances prevent the formation of free radicals, which cause premature aging of the skin.
Natural antioxidants like vitamins A, C and E are often included in natural skin care for men products to help fight wrinkles and age spots.
Look out for grapeseed oil because it contains natural vitamin E and it creates an invisible layer on your skin, retaining the moisture.
These then are some of the typical natural ingredients that you need to look out for when you select men skin care products.
Do you want to know about some other ingredients which some companies have not even discovered yet? Click through to my website to find out.
You will be very glad you did!
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