People think that having dark circles under the eyes is a lovely sign of aging.
But is not completely true as you can see children and the young with the same problem.
Many specialists claim that they are hereditary.
Of course they are, but we can see people with no sign under the eyes too.
In my opinion, we must understand dark eye circles heredity in this way: once I get dark eye circles, I'll let this predisposition to all my descendants.
If you accept my point of view, you should take care of your dark circles, unless the opinion of your descendants is not important to you.
To avoid dark eye circles must to understand their causes first.
They are often sign of skin dehydration.
Insufficient rest causes under eye circles.
As the day wears on, there is increased circulation around the eye, resulting in worsening eye circles.
By insufficient rest you should understand situations like not having enough sleep, working to much on computer, watching TV and so on.
The area directly under the eyes are related to kidneys, so the presence of dark circles indicate weakness or problem in the kidney or liver areas and should be an invitation to see your doctor.
Perhaps you have allergies.
Common allergy causing foods are, dairy products, white potatoes, tomatoes and tobacco, wheat products, corn products, and chocolate.
You might have some delicate conditions such as iron absorption deficiency, sinus or anemia problems.
Finding the right cause of your dark circles gives you the possibility to apply the right treatment to fight them
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