I'm still surprised how people who are supposedly 'in the know' about mind reading & mentalism tricks STILL get bogged down by the actual method.
This happens when I tell someone the method for the trick before actually showing them the trick.
This is because they get so caught up in how the trick is done they can no longer look at it objectively - how the audience will see it.
Trust me, the method is practically irrelevant if it is cleverly disguised.
The average mind reader still lets their ego get the better of them and think that the method has to be really complex in order to really 'fool' the audience.
This is not the case and if you are doing mentalism tricks to 'get one over' on your audience then you're like most magicians.
Of course there is that childlike buzz you get from tricking people, but if you are to continue to do magic or mind reading this buzz will soon fade and you will move onto the next fad.
I have no problem with that or in particularly you - for that matter if this is why you do it.
All I ask is that you still keep an elegance to your performances and please please try and look at it from the audiences perspective.
Whatever your motives, whether they be to give the audience an unforgettable experience or to blow your own trumpet and feel 'better than them', please make sure you do it elegantly and at the very least respect the art you are performing.
I admit this rant is fairly deep for the casual performer but if you can take just one thing from this is to be elegant and just for a moment when practicing the tricks - put yourself in the audiences place and see how will look to them.
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