Health & Medical Skin Conditions & Dermatology

Excoriated Acne

When your mother used to tell you that picking at a cut would make it worse, she wasn't kidding. If you are still doing it to this day, however, then the chances are that you have a compulsive skin picking disorder. It can lead to a small scab becoming a large wound, and can very easily result in infection. The unsightly blemish that results is known as excoriated acne.

A person who occasionally pops a pimple doesn't have excoriated acne. Those who suffer from this condition have an insatiable, compulsive desire to pick at the skin.

"Excoriate" means to strip the hide or skin off something. It is a word that is used figuratively as much as anything, often being used to explain the severe telling off that an unruly child might get from a parent.

But it does have a literal application, and the obsessive habit of picking at our skin is an example of how excoriation is a genuine problem. Anyone can develop excoriated acne, but it is more common among women.

Excoriated acne is the result of a desire to pick, squeeze, or scratch at blemishes, even creating new blemishes in some cases. 

Excoriated acne usually appears to others as a mild form of acne. To the person with the acne, however, it may be intolerable for a variety of reasons. People with excoriated acne often wish that they could stop all that picking and squeezing, but an uncontrollable desire to get rid of their lesions compels them.

So remember Never, never and ever touch, pick or squeeze your blemishes, regardless of how temping and "safe" it may seem. By doing this unprofessionally, you make your acne worse by aggravating your existing inflammation and pushing the puss deeper and wider into the skin.

There are in fact very effective and safe ways of dealing with small whiteheads or blackheads but I would strongly recommend leaving that to the professionals if you care for your skin and wish to prevent further scarring.

I hope this article, can help you understand why is so important not to pick on those pimples.There is lot's of products that can help you with your problem.

Thank you


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